Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Parades

We went to the Christmas parade in Zeeland last night and Adelyn loved it.  The weather was perfect, cold but not windy, so we brought the wagon for Brecken and Joelle.  They loved watching the lights go by, the sounds and even got some candy..which got quickly confiscated.
A couple of our friends asked us to go the Holland parade tonight, I was a little hesitant because it was windy but we decided to brave it anyways since Adelyn had so much fun.

My little lady and I..matching coats are not on purpose.  I have had mine for 5 years and I just bought Adelyn's at a garage sale for $5 this spring, score!

Brecken and Jojo all bundled up.  We had the stroller so the wind was hitting the back of it so they weren't freezing cold.

Everybody had fun but Brecken.  He isn't such a fan of being confined without moving for long periods of time.  I ended up taking him out of the stroller and he stopped crying..and froze his butt off.
So excited for Christmas!

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