Saturday, October 22, 2011

Momma's 50th "Surprise" Party

My Mom turned 50 on October 4 and we had a surprise party planned for her on October 22.  She was very adamant on not having a party but we had one for my Dad so we had to have one for her ;)  We had about 25 friends/family over to help celebrate.  Turns out she guessed the surprise as you can see from the pictures she's not very surprised..  She said no one told her just a couple weird things added up..and then she blew it for herself by setting my Dad and me up.  The "weird things" were my aunt and grandma normally give her a present and they didn't give her one..and that we threw my Dad a party.  We asked her to babysit the night of the 22nd to get her over here and the night before she said to my Dad "I'm going to go over to Nichole's early because I haven't seen the kids in a while."  My dad called me all in a panic while she was in the shower that night so I called her Saturday morning to tell her we had plans..  Then she tells me at night she told my Dad that on purpose just to see if I would call!  She spoiled it for herself..but she did say she didn't want a surprise party  ;)


The birthday girl and her MANY candles!  Yes, there were 50.

 Adelyn helping Nana blow out ALLL the candles


All the black frosting tends to give you black lips and teeth..this picture is a small example of that, although it doesn't really do it justice :)

Happy Birthday Momma!  Luckily you only turn 50 once ;)

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