Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lunchtime Chaos

I've said it before and I'll say it again.  Lunchtime Meal-time at our house can be quite chaotic.  Especially if it's just me feeding everyone.  Adelyn had finished eating and was playing in the living room and I hear her tell her toys "Be right back, toys.  Gotta go baf-room."  She comes into the dining room and starts talking about something else to me so I asked her what she just told her toys.  She quickly remembered what she was supposed to tell me ;)  We head off to the bathroom and she had to do number 2 so we were in there for longer than normal.  B usually has a heart attack whenever I leave the room and he needs something (in this case a nap).  I was wondering why I didn't hear anything...
Apparently I had left the package of graham crackers to close to him.  He pulled the bag over and helped himself.  Mind you, this was after he had ate his lunch, which was 1 graham cracker, a handful of black beans and 4oz of soup. There was at least 6 graham crackers left and this was what (I had thought) was left.  Turns out, after I moved his chair, there were 2 under the table.  So he probably had 4-5 graham crackers total for lunch.  I texted Eric a picture and said he should be full for the day..
This little he-man (she-woman?) can get the bibs off.  Don't ask me how, Adelyn has a hard time pulling them off sometimes.  When we came out from the bathroom Adelyn gave her one of the pieces B had on his tray and she proceeded to make an even larger mess for me.
 Needless to say I should be more careful where I put things.  Yesterday Joelle pulled the whole bowl of soup over on her tray...and hopefully Brecken doesn't get sick from all that food.

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