Monday, October 31, 2011


Saturday we had a Halloween party with some friends.  The kiddos all wore their costumes and we attempted to get a picture of all them...Kaleb is missing but it's quite possible he might have gotten trampled in the process.  We had a mad cow.  He didn't want to sit still.

Runaway cow and a runaway farmer...notice the orange spit-up by the grate?  Yeah that was Brecken.  Steve and Steph aren't trying to sell their house or anything..

Griffin had asked earlier if he could "hold that guy that looked like a cow" and never got a chance to.  Well he took advantage of the duck/chicken and he held on to her the whole time we were taking pictures..surprisingly she didn't mind!  So cute

The mad cow

The duck got angry but Griffin popped that paci right back in and she calmed down :)

Eric and I took the kids trick-or-treating tonight and Adelyn had such a blast.  Earlier today I was asking Adelyn what she was in anticipation of everybody asking her that tonight.  She kept telling me "I'm two and a half!"  I finally got her to say a farmer!  I told her when we walked up to the door she had to say "trick-or treat!"   It came out more like "tick-o-teat!"  She said it in a super high pitched voice every time.  We have no idea why but it was too funny :)  After we were done with one house she would say "we go to another one's people's house?!"  Love that silly girl!

The kids on the porch before we left..Eric was terrified someone was going to fall off the step..

My happy little farmer!

A super cute duck!

The cutest cow ever!

My babies and I..don't ask me why Adelyn looks so scared


Auntie joined us for a little bit and got in on the trick-or-treating :)

Ha :)
We all had a blast.  Brecken and Joelle lost it at the end but let's be honest, it was freezing out.  Their poor little hands were like popsicles.  It's a good thing their costumes were so padded!  Can't wait until next year when Brecken and Joelle will be trick-or-treating with us!!

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