Only 2 more months before I have to start saying years..yikes. My little babies are becoming little people. I go between hating it and loving it. They are quickly losing their baby and quickly gaining a personality. Hate/Love.
aka: B, B-man, B-diddy, Brecken boy, Breck, little B, handsome
-you weigh 22.2lbs
-you wear 12 month clothes and i just got the 12-18 month clothes out
-you wear a size 3 shoe (and hate them!)
-a size 3 diaper during the day, a 4 at night
-you are officially (6 weeks officially) an excellent sleeper. you rock out 12 hours no problem. i don't think you have woken once in the past 6 that i said that, you will tonight.
-you take 2 naps. if you dont get your naps you are an angry boy.
-you love to put yourself to sleep for naptime. i read to you, rock you, sing you a song and then you start whining until i put you in your bed. once in bed, you stop whining and wiggle around until you fall asleep.
-nurse 2.5 times a day. the ".5" time is at lunchtime and you only nurse once instead of twice. you show zero interest in giving that up..
-we started sippy cups this past month (i've been lazy, i know). you know how to but could take it or leave it. you could eat. and eat. and eat...and eat.
-you also poop more than anyone i know..probably due to all that eating.
-you are such a boy. fall/run into things/get plowed over all the time and rarely cry from it.
-have the cutest little giggles. nobody makes you laugh more than adelyn.
-you just cruise around anything stationary. you also love to walk behind anything. you have started to get pretty daring with switching from the table to the couch by kind of letting go, stepping and grabbing back on. yikes. i think you would be walking if you didn't have your crooked little legs/feet...have asked the doctor about them a couple different times and she has always said they will straighten out after walking for 6ish months. she said it is from being so cramped in-utero. hmm. wonder why.
-you can go UP the stairs
-you can wave hi/bye
-still have the two teeth. i am a-ok with that.
-love to pull joelle's bows out. and she hates it.
-wiggle all the time.
Adelyn at 10 months
aka: J, Jojo, Jo, Jojo-B
-you weigh 21.8lbs
-you wear size 12 months clothes and i got the 12-18 month stuff out yesterday
-wear a size 3 diaper during the day and a size 4 at night
-wear a size 3 shoe
-are officially an excellent sleeper. for 6 weeks now. you sleep 12 hours. we love it. you don't like to burp at night after i feed you and sometimes you wake up around 10/11 to burp but you go right back to sleep..after someone comes to burp you ;)
-nurse 2.5 times a day. you also show no signs of giving up the lunchtime nursing..
-you were quite the t-rex this past month with biting me (while nursing, ouch) but i think, for the most part, we have cleared that hurdle.
-you are an excellent eater, although you do have a stop button. you LOVE to do it yourself.
-you LOVE your sippy cup. anytime you see a cup laying around you go for it. love water just like your big sister.
-still are so, so dramatic. we don't cater to your dramatic-ness so you have let up a little bit.
-make the silliest noises. always. and they are always different.
-you are becoming an excellent walker around furniture. you are becoming less of a chicken about letting go too.
-you still love, love, love your momma. you are becoming slightly less dependent though. if you crawl up to someone else (other than daddy, papa, nana or auntie rach, they can hold you anytime) they are allowed to hold you. you have become pretty lenient with papa and grandma too. you are getting there!
-love to have a bow in your hair. you always get so mad when someone takes it out. particularly when your brother takes it out because he has a tendency to pull it and let it snap back in your face.
-you can go UP the stairs
-you can clap on command
-you have the cheesiest ears of anyone i know. gross but true. i, seriously, never ever clean adelyn's and every time i do there is nothing on the q-tip. when i clean brecken's there is a little bit and when i clean yours..i could make a candle.
-when you cry you will sometimes say ma, ma, ma.
-still have 2 teeth.
I took these pictures myself and it definitely wasn't easy. I didn't get any that I love but that's just where we are right now ;)
A couple halfway decent ones..