Monday, February 21, 2011

Things I've found myself saying lately...

*"Want to watch cartoons?"
*"Don't eat the toilet paper roll.  It's gross."
*"Don't touch his penis.  We don't touch other people's private parts."
*"Don't pull on his penis, either."
*"One of these days I'm going to shake the crap out of YOUR bed."
*"Where is my hairbrush?  Oh, where is my hairbrush?  ..."  Veggies tales.  That's all I have to say about that.
*"No, chips are not a meal."
*"Ketchup isn't a meal either."
*"Just eat three bites and you can have whatever you want."
*"Don't squirt his penis."
*"One of these days I'm going to run past your crib while you're sleeping and scream like a banshee."
*"Please don't run over your sister with your stroller."
*"Don't smoosh them."
*"Stop trying to feed the babies candy.  They can't eat it..yet."
*"Don't bite your brother."
*"Don't take the dirty diapers out of the trash and play with them.  That's disgusting."
*"Want to have some bawk-a bawk-a?"  aka: chicken
*"Don't put your hands in your poopie."
*"Stop taking her/his paci away.  It's mean."
*"If you throw water on his/her face one more time you are going to get out of the tub and wait your turn."

and the best..or worst..depending on whom you ask

*"Get your a** over here."  Luckily the vacuum was on and she didn't hear me.  Definitely not my most shining moment in motherhood.

That's just what I can think of right now..

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