Friday, February 18, 2011


Eric swears I have a tapeworm.  I am starting to believe him.  I eat all. the. time.  It may or may not have something to do with the fact that I am breastfeeding two babies.  But still.  I seriously eat a lot.  I eat breakfast, have a meal, eat lunch, have a meal, eat supper, have a meal..then have a meal again and then go to bed.  (I say have a meal because it is definitely not a snack)  I used to "have a meal" after I nursed the babies in the middle of the night.  I have since stopped that because I have gained 5lbs.  Sick.  I can eat supper and still be starving..even though I probably had 2 or more helpings of what we ate.  But, let's face it, I am a milk machine again.  I already have over 100ozs saved and I only pump once a day.  I was telling Eric about how much milk I have saved and he said "wow" and I said "yeah it would only last us, maybe, 3 days."

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