Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My baby is 2 years old.

Say what?! Yep. Aelyn is officially 2. I can't believe it. She is getting so old and doesn't look like a baby anymore. Now they way she acts sometimes...that's another story.  Bbuutt she is 2. A fact that I have to remind myself and Eric of quite frequently.
At 2 years old Adelyn is:
-30lbs 4ozs:75th percentile
-35 3/4 in tall:95th percentile
-in the 50th percentile for BMI
-wearing mostly 2T clothes but starting to wear 3T
-wearing a size 5 diaper during the day and a size 6 at night
-size 7 shoe
-still sleeping 12 hours at night
-still (most days) taking an hour to two hour nap. sometimes you fight it but I fight back because I'm not ready for you to be done..and you need it.
-you have all your teeth except 1 eye tooth and all your 2 year molars. It has been a rough winter for teeth.
-have only been sick once since october. It's a miracle.
-love love love the movies cars, babies, the polar express and a new favorite: Cedarmont Kids...aka: watching Mennonites sing.
-you officially love watching cartoons. Entirely my fault but when I'm nursing there is not much else for you to do that will hold your attention without getting you in trouble. Such is life.
-you love to talk and can understand everything we say.
-you love to help out by throwing things away, getting diapers and (most times) putting things back where they belong.
-some days you show an interest in potty training and we go with it but I'm not starting anything officially until springish/summer.
-still love your paci.  I'm at a loss as to what to do with it.  I feel bad taking it away while you still have teeth to grow but yet..I'm tempted because you look ridiculous.  But you do only take it while sleeping..sigh.
-love being a big sister.  You just love to give the babies kisses and hugs.  You miraculously don't make them cry when you hug them.  It's pretty amazing because you look like you are squashing them but they never cry so I don't say anything..
-love helping me with the babies.  Sometimes you are a little TOO helpful.  :)
-you are starting to love playing with your friends.  When people come over you get SOOO excited.  You are starting to ask for more and more of your friends.  It used to be just Will you would ask for.  Now it's Will, Chloe, Kaylee and Emma :)
-have started spending Wednesdays with Nana.  It's been really nice for me to have a day of complete quiet and it gives us a break from each other.
-you are one stubborn and independent person.  My whole family says the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  I guess I get what I deserve.
-you still love to eat.  You eat pretty much anything and if you don't eat it one time I still serve it to you again because you'll typically eat it that time.
-you love water and milk.  You ask for both equally.
-you rarely get juice.  I wish I could say the same for have quite the sweet tooth.  You probably don't definitely get that from me.
-your hair is starting to look like That 70's Show.  I have no clue what to do with it though because I don't want to cut it off.
-you are in love with your baby dolls.  You have a small arsenal of them now and carry them/wheel them all over the house.
-you are starting to understand your colors.  When you bake with me I count the cups and you count with me and sometimes say the next number without any help. You can (mostly) spell your name.  There is an ABC song on Cedarmont Kids and you attempt to sing along with it.  You are going to be smart like your daddy :)
-you are seriously the most expressive 2 year old I know.  Everybody comments on how expressive you are.
-i have been putting you in time out for a couple months now and your latest thing, when I tell you I'm taking you there, is to wrap your little arms around my neck and say sorry, sorry.  It breaks my heart..but I still put you there.
-you love to sing.  Your favorite songs are Wheels on the Bus, Jesus Loves Me, the Itsy Bitsy Spider.
-you love to read.  You like to read to yourself and you love to read before naptime and bedtime.  You make me laugh because we'll read the same books for a couple days and then have to switch it up for a couple days.
-you love Lakota.  I think you are the only one.

We had two fun birthday parties for you.  You had a blast!!  We had your friends over for one and then family for the other one.  We told our friends we didn't want any presents because we have toys (and clothes!) coming out of our ears.  You did get some cool things though from our family members :)

A few pics of the birthday girl at her parties::

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