Friday, February 18, 2011

2 Months : Brecken & Joelle

It's so hard to believe that our babies are 2 months.  They have grown so much and changed.  I hate that they grow so quickly yet each new stage is so fun.  I love watching them grow and change but yet wish I could pause time some days.  It goes way to fast..

-you weigh 11lbs 6oz, 25th percentile
-you are 21 and 3/4in, 25th percentile
-your head is in the 25th-50th percentile
-you are my sleepy boy.  I nurse you for the last time at 7:30/8 and you wake up around 3/3:30
-you nap 3 times with a catnap after your 4 o'clock feeding
-you LOVE to smile
-you are starting to grab a toys
-you love to cuddle with your mama
-you are a boob man.  You could nurse the whole day if I let you.
-you are my spitter.  If I want to get barfed on I can rely on you :)
-you have pretty long awake periods.
-your cry is very hoarse; similar to your big sisters

You are my little man.  I never knew what life was like with a little boy and I love it.  I can only hope and pray that we have such a special relationship and I can't wait to watch you on your life journey.

Adelyn at 2 months::

-you weigh 11lbs 8ozs, 25th-50th percentile.  Only 2ozs bigger than your brother.  You aren't nearly as big as I thought ;)
-you are 21 and 3/4in long, 25th-50th percentile.
-your head is in the 25th percentile
-you are sleeping until 2/230 in the morning.  We say there is no snooze alarm on you ;)
-you are a cat-napper and would totally be a co-sleeper if I let you.  You just love to sleep with us and I hate that because I'm always afraid I am going to smoosh someone.
-you are pretty stingy with your smiles but we keep getting more and more.  When you do smile you have the biggest grin.
-you do, however, LOVE to coo.  You can just talk and talk!
-you are our loudest.  Everybody says that is because you are the youngest ;)  I don't mind, I just cuddle you extra.
-you HATE laying flat on your back and LOVE laying on your belly.
-your look is so similar yet so different from your big sister.  You look nearly identical to your daddy's baby pictures.  We still can't believe your skin and your hair are so dark though!  We have no idea where it came from..

I love you so much baby girl.  You are my littlest girl and that is so special to me.  I love that you are already making your place known in our family and I can't wait to watch you develop that :)

Mommy loves you both so much.  I can't even express how grateful I have been for you both, lately.

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