Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A day (or morning) in the life…

Just a day morning in my life.
It started out great and the past few days have been great, with Adelyn.  Anyone with a toddler knows that is a pretty long stretch of time before something is going to go haywire.  In all honestly, most of it, is my fault.  It all started with me trying to hang some stuff up in the babies room and she was playing in her bathroom.  Mistake number 1:  I should have closed the bathroom door.  I could hear her clanking around in there but told myself its ok because all the shampoo/oil/lotion bottles in reach are still sealed.  I finish up and go in to find her licking Burts Bees soap and in her escape, because she knows she's not supposed to be doing that, she throws the bottle.  Yay.  Can anyone say I now have clean(er) floors in that bathroom?  I start cleaning that up and realize the Burts Bees lotion is on the floor.  I pick it up and it's half empty.  It WAS a brand new bottle.  I'm looking all over for the lotion mess and realize its in the drawer.  Cool.  The wood needed moisturizing right!?
Side note: Dear Burt's Bees, Go ahead and seal those bottles before you sell them.  We are paying enough for them that you should be able to do that.  Thanks.
Next we head downstairs and I'm trying to complete my picture order through Walgreens website.  Mistake number 2:  I HATE Walgreens pictures.  They don't have matte available through pick-up and they do weird size adjustments to your 4x6 pictures.  BUT they had half off prints and you can pick them up with-in a couple hours and I thought it would be nice to be able to show everyone actual pictures when asking the grandparents which ones they wanted.  It takes me an hour and 20 minutes of broken up time to finally, between me and the store, to come to the conclusion that parts of the website are down and therefor I am unable to finish my order.  Sweet.  Thanks for wasting my morning and making me super frustrated that I have ignored my child for nothing.  I give up on Walgreens (shouldn't have tried in the first place) and start gathering things up to shower Adelyn and myself.  It had been 3 days since Adelyn had a bath and since my sister is watching her tonight (and I hate making things difficult for a sitter) I didn't want to make it 4 by having her skip her bath tonight as well.  I bring her in the bathroom, she has a poopie diaper, so we are changing that and she proceeds to stick her hand in her dump and then in her mouth.  Didn't you know it was extra tasty the second time around!?  Gross.  We get in the shower, I wash up, I'm washing her and she proceeds to pinch not one, but BOTH of my nipples (HARD) while asking waztat?  Thank you.  That felt great.  To top it all off when Eric came home to grab his lunch he proceeded to point out that the neighbor's dog who has been using our front porch to do his business has, once again, done his business there.  I, in a fit of rage pregnancy hormones, told him (Eric) that I had it.  I have already talked to the son, the grandma and most recently the man of the house, very nicely, about their dog pooping on our porch.  It has gone on the whole summer and he typically does it on our front walkway, right on the front porch or, if we are lucky, the driveway.  I told Eric that it was getting delivered back to them in a bag with a note attached because, quite frankly, it is rather disgusting.  So that is what I did.  And this was all before 11am.  Thankyouverymuch.

*If you can't see the note enough to read it, it says: Dear Neighbor, PLEASE fix however your dog is escaping.  We are really sick of picking up poop off our front porch. Thanks.  Nichole Fitzgerald

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