Thursday, October 21, 2010

30 Weeks

*Please take notice of the new haircut/color.  Although it was a bad style day today, I LOVE it.  It's closer to my natural color and takes me 15 minutes to blow dry and style the whole thing.  Verses me not doing a thing with my Duggar'ish hair before...
Pregnancy Highlights
How far along: 30 weeks
Weight Gain: 24 pounds
Babies weight: We had our Ultrasound this morning and Baby Boy weighs 3lb 11oz and Baby Girl weighs 3lbs 9ozs.  For the record that's 7lbs 4ozs of baby.  I can't believe that I want that to almost double..eee...
Movement: They move.  All.The.Time.
Symptoms: Numbness in my hands and feet.  Hungry.  Tired.  I have been getting more and more tired and it's really hard to bend over. 
What I miss: Being able to bend down without it hurting. Getting out of bed vs. rolling out :)  Snuggling with Adelyn without a watermelon in the way.  And Eric, don't forget Eric.
Cravings: Oreo's!    
Best moments this week: Having our 30 week Ultrasound and seeing the babies.  It was so crazy how much we could actually see this time.  We could see his profile so well and we could see her actually sucking.  Melts my heart.
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the basement and getting things done in the nursery!!
Names: Yes!!  Now just for a middle name for Baby Boy..

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