Thursday, November 4, 2010

32 Weeks

Today marks 32 weeks.  YIKES.  Where has time gone?!  It seriously escapes me.  I can't believe I have made it so far carrying two babies without any complications.  AWESOME.  So thankful.  I had an appointment today and my doctor is very pleased with how they look.  Our stubborn baby boy is once again completely transverse.  Sigh.  At 24 weeks he was head down, 28 weeks transverse, 30 weeks mostly head down and now at 32 completely transverse.  Apparently he hasn't gotten the memo that he can't be delivered back first.  Dr. Taylor did tell me exactly what I wanted to hear though and that is he won't be making any c-section decisions until I am actually in labor.  So thankful that he isn't pushing for a c-section.  My belly measures at 37 weeks which (I believe) is one week larger than I ever measured with Adelyn.  So apparently I'm just plain huge from here on out..

Pregnancy Highlights
How far along: 32 weeks
Weight Gain: 26 pounds
Babies weight: According to BabyCenter 3.75lbs..which our babies were at 30 who knows :)
Movement: They move.  All.The.Time.
Symptoms: Numbness in my hands and feet.  Tired.  I have been getting more and more tired and it's really hard to bend over.  If I lay on my back, even a reclined position, I get extremely short of breath.  Like nauseous and about to pass out short of breath.  Something about to much pressure on my aorta.  And my diaphragm.  And my rib cage.  And my back.  You get the picture.
What I miss: It's very painful to bend over and stairs just plain exhaust me.  I can do one flight but if I try to go from the basement to up-upstairs I get quite winded.  Sleeping on my stomach..
Cravings: Hmmm...I don't know right now...   
Best moments this week: The basement is completely primed.  All the junk is out of the babies room!!  Eric and I put the cribs together and I started hanging stuff  on the walls.  My very sweet friends had a diaper shower for me last Saturday.  It was very nice and I received lots of diapers and some other essentials.
What I am looking forward to: The babies bedding is almost done, the mattresses should be here tomorrow along with some other miscellaneous things we ordered!  Going to the doctor every two weeks..just means we are closer to meeting these two precious bundles!  FINISHING.THE.BASEMENT.
Names: Yes!!  Baby boy needs a middle names but Eric is "pretty sure" what it will be..

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