Monday, October 11, 2010


 We got back from Charlevoix on Sunday and were able to enjoy a long weekend as a family..yay!!!  The weather “was the warmest they have had in a really long time.”   It was in the 50’s/60’s and sunny the whole weekend.  We did a trip similar to this last year where we go just as a family and don’t do a whole lot.  It’s really enjoyable and super relaxing.  

The pretty lady in a cute alley we found right on the main street. 

 Adelyn and I swimming in the hotel pool.  Adelyn is in a cheesy smile phase right now and loves to say “cheese” when we take a picture.  I love it!!

We found a park after a long drawn out process of going to every park Garmin suggested only to be disappointed in the lack of toys.  The way Garmin took us it led to the baseball side of the park and Eric (who, mind you, is the biggest rule abiding person I know) decided just to drive across the field to get to the other side of the park!  That was probably the chilliest morning, hence the hat ;)

It was Charlevoix’s Apple Festival while we were there.  They had all kinds of vendors, crafts, a petting zoo and horse rides!  Adelyn loved to look at the animals.  She wasn’t such a huge fan of feeding the goats but we got some pictures and then she had fun running around the pen and asking “waz tat?” for every animal.  We took her on her first pony ride and when the pony first took off she was shaking her head no but then she got into it and wanted to go again :)

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