Monday, February 8, 2010

Random Conversations

Random Conversation #1 (via Gmail chat):
I informed Eric that I would like to make it to Costco today. His response: Don't forget Dove soap. The following conversation ensued:
Eric: get bars
me: bars of soap?
Eric: Yes. I think I like using a wash cloth.
me: oookkkk.
Eric: I'm sick of the loofa.
me: ...
Eric: Now that I think about it, it weirds me out. The loofa idea. Festering dirt.
me: I'll see what I can find. Sick.
Eric: It's like a bacteria's best friend.
me: (saying bye and signing off of Gmail chat)

Thank you, Eric, for thoroughly disturbing me. I will be using a washcloth from now on too. For the record...I did throw our loofa's away because if you do think about it, it is VERY disturbing. And how do you really spell loofa anyways?

Random Conversation #2 (via texting):
Rachel (my sister): Hey you are a (insert acronym inappropriate for blogging..or anything)
me: This must not be Rachel...
Rachel: No it is.
me: Why would you say that? Do you know what that means?
Rachel: Yes. And Cosmo told me to.
me: Oh. Who the heck is Cosmo? And do you always listen to what people tell you?
Rachel: My magazine. It told me to tell you so you are more open to doing things for me. You know, like waxing my caterpillars (her eyebrows).
me: OMG. I just laughed out loud. You know where I live if you need your caterpillars waxed.
Rachel: Yeah but sometimes you don't like to :)
me: Ha :) Just because I don't like to doesn't mean I won't do it.
Rachel: Still. I feel bad.
me: Seriously. Don't. I'm sure you don't like babysitting Adelyn for free.
Rachel: She is a nut. And makes me laugh.
(Notice how she avoided the actual question?)
me: It's true :) I should probably develop a better attitude about doing your eyebrows AND your hair. I'll work on that.
Rachel: So did my lovely comment help?
me: Nope. But what you said after did.
Rachel: What did I say after?
me: That you feel bad asking me to do it.
Rachel: Oh yeh. Cause you always grunt. So I don't ask very much. And Jake (her boyfriend) doesn't believe that I have caterpillar eyebrows.
me: Well feel free to ask whenever you want!
Rachel: Yes ma'am.

Now why did she have to call me a
(insert acronym inappropriate for blogging..or anything) to accomplish that? That is the actual question and the answer is probably because I make her feel like she can't be open with me. I should work on that too.

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