Tuesday, May 11, 2010

15 Months

So I am a week over due but better late than never. We went to the doctor last week Monday and your stats were:
weight: 23lb 15oz, 70th percentile
height: 32 in, 90th percentile
head circumference: 97th percentile
Hey, at least you are maintaining in the head circumference area.
Dr. Lund said you look great and can't believe how much you talk. Apparently 2 words are normal, you say about 10-15.
-uh oh
She isn't concerned about the fact that you, STILL, only have 2 teeth. She said if you didn't have any that would be cause for concern. You were tested for a dairy allergy. The first test came back positive, the second negative. So, back to square one we go. The doc said she isn't ready to send you to an allergist yet. If we could hold off until 2 then you would be exposed to more.
Haven't mentioned this on here yet (I don't think) but we watch Sophia Monday through Friday. With that being said I have made you go down to one nap, most days, from 1/1:30 -3:00. Sophia also is sleeping at the same time and it is much needed for Mama to have that break. I also started, today, to have quiet time with you. For a half hour in the morning while Sophia sleeps you will play quietly in your crib. I put some books and quiet toys in there and you are (supposed to be) entertaining yourself. We then spend the other half hour just you and me while Sophia sleeps. Day one was a success except for the intermittent crying but I think you will get there.
We got the news of our lives yesterday. Probably the biggest surprise I will EVER have. No joke. I rotated between crying and staring blankly off into space. I was mainly EXTREMELY overwhelmed. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I will get there. I will reveal our surprise shortly.

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