Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dear Eric,

Can we please move to Brasil? I knew you would say yes.
Thank you.

I miss you Brasil. Your sunny days...always. Your warm temperatures. Rice and beans. Every day. Healthy food. Palm trees. The fact that I was probably one of the only blond tall people there. Limes. Coconut juice, straight from a coconut. The extremely friendly people. The
disregard for time. Never being late because everybody is late. The tile floors in ALL the homes.

Dear Eric,
Please start looking for a job. In Brasil. I will secure our Visa's. I will plead with the embassy to let us stay. All you have to do is find a job. And learn to speak Portuguese. It's not hard. You are already used to driving a little car so that will be nothing new to you. It will be sunny all the time. You won't ever have to shovel the driveway again. Or the deck. You will never have to salt the sidewalk. Or slide into a ditch because the roads are snowy. You will never have to stay inside all day because it's to cold to go out. Or wish you had put on a winter jacket.
Can we move to Brazil please?
Thank you.

Did I mention that I have rice and beans cooking on the stove?? It smells delicious. And makes me miss Brasil.

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