Wednesday, February 3, 2010

1 year...

Wow. How does 1 year go by so fast!!?? This past year has just flown and it makes me sad to think that my baby is becoming a toddler. There have been lots of changes in the Fitzgerald house hold...probably because I haven't posted in over 3 months. My bad. A big one being that we (I) are taking care of one of our friend's baby, Sophia. I watch her Tuesday through Friday from 7:30ish to 5:30ish. The first couple days were quite a challenge as I tried to balance two babies. My main difficulty was when in the world was I (emphasis on the word I) supposed to eat!? Adelyn and I have both adjusted quite well and little Sophia is an excellent napper! I told Tiffany I have to poke her every once and a while just to make sure she is still breathing because Adelyn never napped like that! That girl can do 3-4 hour naps in the afternoon. Crazy. Adelyn has decided she likes having Sophia around and is always trying to give her hugs, kisses and trying to "rock" her...the first time I let her rock Sophia the "rocking" got a little out of Adelyn isn't allowed to do that anymore. We are working on NOT stealing Sophia's paci. Adelyn would first take it, just to take it. Now we have advanced to taking it and giving it to mom. Next I want her to give it BACK to Sophia. Then we can work on not taking it period.
We had two birthday parties for Adelyn. One on Saturday with our friends and one on Sunday with our families. They both went really well and my meal was a hit :) We had sliders (homemade, NOT white castle), chips and dip (3 different kinds), fruit salad and cake. Adelyn received lots of great presents and loves to play with them. I must admit though, the party favors I got for all the kids (Adelyn got some too) are her favorite. It's pretty sad when 75 cents worth of toys is the favorite. Oh well. It'll wear off..hopefully.
What is Adelyn up to lately??
-Taking her first steps. She is up to 5 or 6 at a time and just cruises around furniture.
-Eating all table food. Now she mainly eats what we eat. She does have quite the milk intolerance but hopefully that will go away.
-She is still "nursing" but it has been 48 hours since the last time I nursed her. I refuse to be uncomfortable when I wean her so it's been a gradual process.
-Sleeping 12 hours at night.
-Taking 2 somtimes 1 nap a day.
-Wearing mostly 12 month clothes. Some 12-18 month.
-Wearing a size 4 diaper.
-Has 2, yes 2, teeth.
-Loves to crawl up the stairs. Luckily for me we have a gate.
-Love to give kisses.
-Says mama, dada, yes and hot.
-Has officially never had formula or a jar of baby food.
-Can make the living room look like a tornado went through in 12 seconds flat.
-Mama is still your very favorite person. It's sad. If there is an option for mom to hold you, you cry until I do.
-Love to laugh. When you know people are laughing at you, you just laugh more.

1 year stats:
weight: 21lbs 11ozs, 50th-75th percentile
length: 30.5inches, 90th percentile
head circumference: 95th percentile

You had four shots today. boo. I hate shots. And for whatever reason I had to hold your arms. Not cool.

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