Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Crappy Day.

Literally and figuratively.
We've had a crazy busy week and Adelyn finally had a meltdown morning.  I have spent almost zero time with her, today was no different, and she definitely let her angry side show.  Not that I can blame her.  I took a shower and she didn't annoy me while I was taking one so that was my first clue that she was being naughty.  I found her in the pantry with an open bag of potato chips and the top off my squirt bottle I use for hair, which she was drinking.  I can handle that.  I made the mistake of telling her she was going to Will's after her nap and she is currently upstairs singing to her self because now all she wants to do is go to Will's.

Try getting out of a chair with three people that have poop on them.  Good luck.  Brecken ended up sticking his hand it it, it got on my bra and obviously my pants, his pants and all over Joelle.  Sigh.

We have my aunt's funeral later today.  So sad.  Breaks my heart that 3 kids are going to continue their lives without their momma.  That's not right.  She is in a much better place though and I can only imagine their joyous reunion, hopefully a LONG time from now.

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