Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Because everyone always needs a good laugh.  Usually at my expense...

 I told her to “pop a squat” and she said to me “what does that noise mean?” 

 It started down-pouring while we were eating supper and she said “ohh it’s like a car wash!”
 All the kids were in the bath tub and she started singing “Where is penis, where is penis, here I am, here I am.”  Tune::where is thumbkin.  **We, obviously, don't encourage this (and i have never heard it again) but we do refer to body parts as their appropriate name
Adelyn and I during our daily fight about clothes:: "I want to wear a skirt" "You can't wear a skirt, we are going to the park. You have to wear shorts." "No! I don't want to be a man! I am not going to the park with your friends! They are mean to me! I don't want to wear shorts like a farmer!"
We went out to dinner with my family and she told everyone at the table that she was a prince because she was wearing pants. I (and everyone else) assumed she had said princess and I said "Yep. You are a princess no matter what you wear." She said "No Mommy! I's a PRINCE because I have pants on!!"
The other night she came downstairs in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and she asked me to get her new undies. I asked her why and she said she "dribbled in them."  I asked her where she put them and she said "in the dirty laundry." I was fine with that..since I was in bed. She goes back to bed and later on that night I found her wet undies in bed with Eric and I. I was thoroughly disturbed and asked her about it in the morning. Her response "Oh yeah. Sorry 'bout that."

I have a big mole on my toe (it’s fine, I promise) and the other day Adelyn said to me “Let me see that big molar!” So I showed her.  Then she says “Let me see that big one growing on your elbow!”  So I showed her. "Ooohh that's a big one!" Thanks for the vote of self-confidence.

Adelyn and I went out to eat the other night and a rather tall man walked past-whom looked even taller because we were sitting down.  Adelyn “Wow!  That’s a large man!”  Me “Yes.  He’s very tall, isn’t he?” Adelyn “He is.  My daddy isn’t tall.” Me “Nope.  He isn’t.”  Adelyn “My Daddy is a very short man.”  
Me Bahahahahaha...on the inside.  Since I couldn’t actually laugh out loud.

We were going outside and Adelyn asked me if she could put her “muffins” on.  It took me a second to realize she meant mittens.

I put my contacts in this morning and later was cutting onions.  I make the remark all the time that I think, for whatever reason, that it’s my contacts that keep my eyes from watering (for the most part)  Eric’s eyes always water really bad and, when I wear my glasses, mine do too.  Welllll today Adelyn’s started watering.  She runs to my bathroom and says “I have to put my eyetacts in!”

Adelyn got out of her bed and I told her to go back.  After a few minutes of arguing she said “I love you Mommy.  Thank you for being mean.”  At least she is polite..

Adelyn rubbed my arm at supper and said “I like your whiskers.”

I asked her to stop growing and she said "No Mommy.  God is growing me up to be a big girl like you."

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Didn't you know...

that's what this stuff is for?!

I busted B doing this, this morning.  
 We wonder why our stuff breaks.  Actually, we don't wonder, we know.

Always asking me to take a picture..not always smiling the greatest..but still cute ;)

Everything is also a stool.  Ev.ery.thing.  Or in this case, a ramp.  He walked right up.

I was thoroughly entertained the other morning watching B drag this chair across the living room and attempt to unlock the extra lock.  I texted Eric this pic and he said "one's trying to escape and one's on look-out"  Haha.

He.gets.into.everything.  Where there is a will there is a way.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Cutest Babies...


You know he is a stud.  Those sunglasses are what really clue you in.

The cutest (almost) 4-ear-old ever.  She asked me to take a picture and then set herself up like this.  Can we say senior picture?!

Thursday, November 8, 2012


I've had many canning adventures this year.  Tomato sauce, peaches, yellow beans, dry beans, chicken broth, pumpkin and my latest is grapefruit.  I canned some pie pumpkins and also heard you could use your pumpkins you use for carving.  I thought it was an excellent idea.

Our monster pumpkin.  I ended using 2 of the kids pumpkins and 1 monster pumpkin.  I threw the other 2 over the fence. 

Who says you can't carve pumpkins after Halloween anyways?!

The millions, and millions, of peaches I canned.

Fresh corn (and in the background fresh zucchini).  I froze both of these.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Just A Morning In My Life..At Target.

I should tell you the before Target experience first...just so I can shine all three of my children, and myself, in a good light.  Adelyn is SUPER possessive of certain things.  She does a great job sharing with her friends but when it comes time to share with Brecken and Joelle...yeah.  That's a joke.  She has a stroller that she likes to put her babies in and load up with all of her favorite things.  Her babies are the one thing that I like to keep "hers."  If someone takes them we encourage that person to give them back.  Everything else is fair game.  Today Brecken took a little tupperware out of the stroller she wasn't even playing with and she started screaming at him and slapped him.  So I told her I was going to burn her stroller in the fire pit.  Probably not the appropriate thing to say and, once again, not a shining moment of motherhood.  I tell you, I have to tell her to share that blasted stroller and the things in it 329 times a day.  I had my last straw this morning.  We went into my bedroom and had a very nice chat.  In which I assured her that I wasn't going to burn her stroller and I was sorry I had said that.  I also told her that the stroller was going back out and Brecken and Joelle could play with everything in it for the rest of the day and she is not to touch a thing in it for the rest of the day.  She was upset about it but probably figured she shouldn't press her luck.  While getting our shoes on Brecken got into her craft cabinet and started eating a glue stick.  Healthy, I know.  Maybe it will help food stick to his insides and he can gain a little weight to catch up to Joelle.  I was already over there taking care of it when, what do you know, Adelyn starts screaming at him and telling him not to touch her glue stick.  So then we had a conversation I yelled at her for that.  I am really on a roll here, huh?!

I've been wanting to get Adelyn a "normal" car seat for a while.  She was still in her convertible one and she was getting to tall for it.  I LOVE the Graco Nautilus' that we have for Brecken and Joelle.  What sealed the deal for me was when Joelle barfed all over her car seat the other day.  You can actually take the straps out and wash them, instead of just wiping them down like a normal car seat.  HALLELUJAH.  B and J hadn't been anywhere in a week (we did go to friends one night, but that's it) so I thought they would do great.  Boy was I wrong.  I try to park next to a cart corral that has a giant Dugger size cart in it so I don't have to haul them in on foot.  We found one but of course one seat was missing a strap.  So I put Joelle in that one and made it work.  The second we got in the store they were all our of sorts.  We started by the clothes and navigating a bus through those aisles is always so much fun.  I only knocked one part of a rack over.  I start looking through the clearance stuff and I see Joelle escaping.  I tell her to get back in and I harness her back up and she starts screaming.  In the mean time Brecken was already screaming because Joelle had escaped and he was still buckled in.  Probably because he was the one sufficiently harnessed.  Joelle is pissed so she starts ripping clothes off the shelf and throwing them.  I decided the kids didn't need any clothes and vacated that section.  We head over to the car seats, B and J still screaming and blowing snot everywhere.  I manage to find the one box they had, that we wanted.  I had to verify with Adelyn that it was acceptable.  B and J still screaming, trying to escape and blowing snot.  Adelyn tells me "Let's go."  I declined.  If I am at a store you better believe I am getting what I need.  We head over to sippy cups to try and find some more sippy cups for the sippy cup hater.  I can barely get him to drink one cup of milk a day.  There are plenty of days he doesn't even drink that.  The straw cups I have, that they drink water out of, are softer and he eats the straws.  So that's healthy.  We picked some up and I texted Eric this picture.
We continue you on to coats and boots.  Mister B still doesn't have a winter coat..or boots despite my checking many Mom2Mom sales, garage sales and online yard sales.  Still screaming.  Actually find a coat that doesn't cost me $60.  No boots though.
Joelle trying to escape and Brecken still pissed off.
We finally make our way over to toys and everyone has calmed down.  Probably about half an hour worth of crying, screaming, escaping and blowing snot everywhere.  Yes, I was that lady with the sick kids in the store.  But honestly, if they hadn't been crying there wouldn't have been so much snot.  We manage to make it out of the store without another scene and get home.
I installed Adelyn's car seat and she loves it.  We should be the next poster family for the Graco Nautilus since we now have three.  But, hey, at least we won't ever have to buy a seat for Adelyn, Brecken or Joelle again.
And, yes, I am going to be the weird mom who has her child in a 5 point harness until her child is to tall for said 5 point harness, even though she is almost 4 and just 40lbs.  Much safer, in my opinion.  If we have another baby that child will be rear facing until 2.  That's my car seat safety for today, folks.

2 good things came of our outing today::
1. Brecken and Joelle should be done with their colds since they got all their snot out at Target today.
2. Adelyn doesn't have a "baby" seat anymore.

This is a judge free zone.  Keep negative comments to yourself.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sophia's 3rd Birthday Party

We had Sophia's third birthday party today.  We weren't going to go because Joelle is sick but I decided to take Adelyn...because she is fine.  Mark and Tiff had it at Deanna's Playhouse and it was so much fun.  It is just down the road from us and we have never made it over there..  I'm not going to lie the germs kind of scare me...but since everyone is sick, what are a few more germs?!

The birthday cutie.  So crazy that I have taken care of her since she was 12 weeks old and now her and Adelyn are BFF's.

Sweet little Fiona.  She's only 2 weeks old.

My main man (this morning) Charlie!  He is such a stud.

Pretty girls pushing their babies  :)

The kiddos patiently waiting for food..

               ..the rest of them                                                                          Adorable cupcakes


        Birthday girl eating the frosting.                                                         Ha.ha.ha. What a mess ;)

Rachel wanted to have frosting on her lips like Adelyn ;)

 Waiting-semi patiently-to open gifts!

 Poor baby girl.  She was so overwhelmed with all the people looking at her and all the gifts :)

Can I tell you how much this cracks me up?!  Look at all the girls faces.  They are sooo amazed by the puppy!  

Now this is my kind of wrapping.  Gift bags are too expensive anyways ;)

So great that people have been having their parties AT places.  You don't have to clean up the mess at your house...and the fun is built right in!  Now to find somewhere for A, B and J's birthday's...