Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Never A Dull Moment..

I told Adelyn that I was going to go to the bathroom and I would be right back and she asked to go to.  I, of course, obliged.  While I was in the bathroom (she didn't go) she took off without her clothes or diaper on.  I come into the living room and don't see her.  I was afraid she was going to squat in a corner so I'm calling for her and then I notice the screen door open to the deck..  I go out onto the deck saying "get back here crazy naked lady!" She was halfway across the back yard and I noticed our neighbor's son on the deck with a bunch of his friends.  Turns out they got more of a show than they bargained for.  I'm just lucky I didn't have my boobs out..

She was been telling me when she gets up from her nap or in the morning "Adelyn misses Mommy."  That girl melts my heart.  Most days..

She has recently been a lot ruder towards Brecken and Joelle. She knows if she gets in their faces they will cry and that if she's really loud it can startle them into crying.  So she does it on purpose.  It's never related to her not getting her way or anything else either..

Lately, she walks around buckling everything.  In a house with 3 kids that need to be buckled into things that adds up to a lot of buckles..and also makes it really frustrating when you are trying to put someone in something.

Her vocabulary is expanding by the day and she amazes me with what she picks up on and then says.  The other day she was getting out of her car seat and she stood up on her stool and says "Hi guys!!" to Brecken and Joelle.

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