Oh he is the sweetest.
Real men help with chores.
Meg's Playhouse fun
Sleeping Lincoln. #SorryNotSorry
One of his sisters gave him this scratch. Right before church. He walked into Sunday School and his teacher said "Ohhhh did you get a new cat?!" I replied "Yes, her name is Adelyn." She laughed hysterically.
Real men also paint their toes.
Lincoln was ticked while I was making supper. So I gave him the VS catalog thinking he would like the big boobs. He wailed. They probably scared him.
Oh dear. My children did this without my knowledge. Our poor neighbors....
They have loads of fun
Valentines pancakes. Don't judge my butter consumption.
Adelyn was PISSED OFF one morning because of her clothes. We told her we would not wash her clothes until she wore them all. Because she would wear the same 5 things if we let her. She told me "I look like a mom with yoga pants and a hooded shirt." I laughed hysterically.
Those baby blues though.
One Wednesday I took these cuties to Hemlock Crossings.

Buffalo Bill. In his favorite spot.
Oh Lincolnnnnnn
Is it weird I still sneak upstairs and take pictures of them napping?

Eric thinks his hair is neglected...
Cooking risotto with Brecken. It is his favorite meal ever. Every time I go to the store (once a month) he begs me to buy Aborrio rice.

Lincoln doesn't mess around. The day after our floor was installed he shattered my crock pot top on the floor. One tiny scratch.
I picked up the kids from Sunday School and the teacher pulled me aside and said "Uhhh I asked the kids what this was (pointing to the thing in the bottom right corner) and Joelle yelled "It's a penis." I was horrified. Sunday School teacher was laughing. Upon further examination by lots of friends, it was determined this is actually a scroll.
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