Friday, February 19, 2016

Homeschool Field Trip::Fire Station/Valentine's Party

We went to the Fire Station in Zeeland for our field trip this month.  Fireman Dan lead the show.

Adelyn is practicing what she would do if she was asleep in her bed and the fire alarm went off.
Crawling to the door with Fireman Dan.

Josiah got to try on all their fire gear.

Practicing Stop, Drop and Roll.

We got to climb on the Fire Truck after.  That was a hit :)

Sweet girls.  Sorry your eyes are closed Ella!

Then they each got to drive the truck.  Brecken wants to be a fireman now.

All the kids :)

They got all kinds of goodies to take home.

Mary had us over, afterwards, for a Valentines party.

Mary and I were wondering what kind of Valentine's Party we were having....

Opening all their cards

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