Monday, February 2, 2015

Adelyn::6 years

6.  SIX.  So exciting.  So old.  {Completely} gone are the days of my chunky baby, my even chunkier toddler and my still chunky preschooler.  She has completely thinned out over the last year.  She has turned out into this lanky young girl.  She is growing and maturing and changing every day.  Her growth over the past year has been amazing.  5 was definitely a turning point from the terrible 2's, 3's and 4's.  6 is bound to be amazing.  

She is SUCH a sweet girl.  We get told alllll the time that she must be a dream at home.  Which she is, most of the time.  Don't let her fool you, though.  She can put certain people in our family to shame.   

-47 pounds, 65th percentile
- 96th percentile.
-wears a 6 or a small for clothes.  I had to cinch up her pants super tight because her little butt crack always hangs out.
-size 13 shoe
-sleeps 11 hours a night.  Naps about once a week.  Typically on Thursday after our uber long Wednesday.  Sometimes she will take one on Monday too.  Depends what we had going on Sunday.
-is growing her hair out "to her butt."  She is getting pretty close.
-loves to play outside
-is getting closer and closer to fully reading.  3/4 letter words are a slam dunk and she can sound out lots of longer words.  Amazes me how she can make the letter sounds and then connect the word instantly.
-LOVES math.
-anything artsy or crafty is probably her favorite
-will color anyone and everyone a picture
-loves to help out with chores around the house
-loves to dress herself.  The only day I can pick her clothes is Sunday.  Just not a battle I choose to fight.
-We have really worked on character traits with her and she is slowly improving.  So hard to fight our selfish desires.
-is not sleepwalking as much as she used too.
-can't wait for it be to be spring so she can pick flowers
-loooooooooooves going out to eat
-is so smart.  She amazes me daily.
-we have really turned a corner with homeschooling.  She is loving it and asks in the morning to do her work.
-anytime she hears a song, she has it memorized.  She had to memorize the books of the New Testament for Awana and we did it to a song.  She had them down in 2 weeks.
-loves to sing.  We hear her singing ev.ery.where.  At naptime Eric will ask me what the noise is.  Adelyn singing (in the basement).
-loves to go to church and put money in the offering plate.  It is the sweetest thing.  We have explained it to her and she asks us what we put in there, so she wanted to start putting her money in there too.
-She is a little perfectionist.  Loves everything to be just so.  She is super neat.  Nothing is a mess around Adelyn.
-she can ask the most difficult and the most intelligent questions.  She will always tell you when she doesn't understand or ask you what exactly that means.  It's made for some great conversations.
-loves traveling and going on vacation.  A girl after her mother's own heart.
-says the most hilarious things.  She is always making us laugh.
-she only gained a pound in the last year.  And she (can) eat more than me.  She is a lover of food and will not hesitate to tell you if something is gross.  And go on and on about it.  We are working on that.  She will, however, eat said gross thing if she is promised "dessert."  Dessert can be as simple as applesauce.
-She does not like new situations.  She can get quite anxious about them.  She does much better when we tell her exactly what is going to happen and where she is going to be.

What's your name::Adelyn
How old are you::Ffff...Six.
What's your favorite color:: Purple
Who is your best friend:: Sophia and Eliana
What is your favorite animal:: Zebras
What do you want to do when you grow up:: Cupcake Maker
What is your favorite movie::  Alvin and the Chipmunks
What is your favorite book:: Fancy Nancy
What makes you happy:: Going somewhere special.
What makes you sad::  When you spank me. (Couldn't tell you the last time I spanked her...)
What is your favorite food:: Spaghetti
What food is gross::  I don't know.
What is your favorite drink:: Grape juice
What is your favorite song:: Jesus Loves Me
What games do you like to play:: Operation and Candy Land
What is your favorite subject in school:: Math

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