Hard to believe this little dude is over the 6 month hump. He continues to amaze us with how happy he is. I know I say it all the time....but everyone else does too. He is a trooper. He gets dragged everywhere and everyone is always poking him. One of these days, I'm guessing in about 18 months, we will pay for this easy going baby with an extremely willful toddler. Eep. I will cherish these days:)
-I stepped on the scale with you and you were about 21 pounds!!! Holy moly.
-need to check your length. You are closing in on being too long for your baby seat.
-12 month clothes
-size 3 diaper during the day, just switched to a 4 at night because you peed through 2 nights in a row.
B and J's feeding schedule
love to eat! i nurse you at 7, 12 and 7:30. you eat breakfast around
8:30 (4ozs), lunch at 1 (4ozs) and supper at 5:30 (6-8ozs).
-your feeding schedule: Nurse. Every 4 hours during the day. Usually once a night. Sometimes twice. Rarely never. You were on the 8, 12, 4 and 8 schedule. Then you got a cold. We are back to whenever floats your boat. You get 4 ounces of food at night.
-you LOVE to sit and play with toys. Toys that aren't baby toys seem to be your favorite. You do have a bath book that you could suck on allllll day long.
-the jumperoo is a favorite
-you are starting to develop a Mommy disorder. It usually only comes out when you are tired. And? Daddy can always take you and you don't cry. We have never had that:) #4thchildsyndrome
-you still nap 2-3 times a day. You take really good naps too. That's what makes it ok that you wake up in the middle of the night.
-You had your first cold about a week ago. I prayed and prayed you would be breathing through your mouth when you got your first cold. Literally a week after that started, you got sick. It wasn't a bad one and our oils helped immensely.
-you are also becoming weird about your blanket. You suck on the corners. I was rocking you the other day and realized they were all crusty from you sucking on them. Gross.
-you are loving bathes. You sit up in the tub and will just whack the water with your hand. Over and over. It's hilarious:)
-still the occasional thumb sucker. It's the cutest thing ever.
-you are starting to show signs of crawling. When you are on your belly you pull yourself forward with your arms. When sitting you have been getting your foot behind you and trying to pull yourself forward.
-your mannerisms remind us SO much of Adelyn as a baby. The constant turning of the wrists especially.
-still no teeth
All the bebe's at 7 months.

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