Monday, February 2, 2015

Adelyn’s Birthday Day

For Adelyn's birthday supper she requested spaghetti with meatballs, salad and chocolate cake "that mommy can eat."

Here she is with all her chocolate cake glory.
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Little Lincoln getting in on the festivities.
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Raspberries on chocolate cake make everything better.
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We went bowling for her birthday last year and she requested to do the same thing this year.  All the kids really love it so we are going to start doing it in January, to celebrate everyone's birthday.

In all of my pictures someone was staring this is as good as it gets ;)

We could only play one game because of timing and here's everyone's high scores ;)

When we got home Brecken and Joelle had got her a lego set.  They gave it to her to open.  Brecken and Joelle never asked why they didn't gre presents from us.  Adelyn asked me once or twice what she was getting from us and I thought we would have a problem on our hands.  But then she never asked again.  Can't wait until the snow FINALLY thaws so we can  put the monstrous boxes together in our garage.  They will be so excited.

Cuties.  Adelyn woke up at 7:15, the next day, dumped all her Lego's out on the bathroom floor and promptly put the whole thing together.  She is dedicated.

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