So this happened. I was cutting hair for a friend's sister and her daughters. They are missionaries and typically cut their own hair. I was explaining how to do it, to make it easier for them to cut the next time. The kids were being sooooo good and I was sooooo excited to tell them how proud I was of them. Then Joelle came down with one side of her hair practically shaved. She was giggling and said Brecken did it too. He comes down and his bangs are chopped. They confessed to also cutting a stuffed animal. It was 15 minutes before we had to leave for VBS. I was so upset. She used to have this super cute bias cut and she decided she wanted to grow it out. She hates having me brush her hair and the deal was, if she grew it out, she had to brush it. And she did a really good job with it and loved her long hair. She wanted to keep growing it out "like Tangled." The top is so short. The one side is so short. I told her and Brecken to go outside. I couldn't handle it. If we didn't have people over, unkind words probably would have been spoken. I told Eric, when we got home, he had to clean it up. I didn't even want to see it. I probably would have cried. Every time I looked at her hair, I wanted to cry. It was (is) so bad.
When we got home, Eric found her Ariel doll upstairs and that was what had started it. They started cutting her hair. Then they cut theirs. Come to find out Joelle did most of the cutting of Brecken's hair. I was so mad about that. BUT he did admit to cutting a small piece of his own hair and cutting a small piece of Joelle's hair. So he wasn't innocent. We told Joelle we were throwing Ariel away. She was so upset. But away she went. When I took this picture, I hadn't decided if I wanted Joelle to see me taking pictures of her or not. Then I decided, maybe, just maybe, I would want to look at this and laugh in 20 or 30 years. Maybe when her daughter does it. Maybe then.
I took this as she was having a fit about Ariel being in the trash. She was NOT pleased.
I took this as she was having a fit about Ariel being in the trash. She was NOT pleased.
She also said to us, when we were talking about it after VBS, that she thought she could make it longer if she cut it. She wanted it long like Tangled. We told her that wasn't how it worked. She was so sad. The whole fiasco was sort of dramatic for everyone. And so, so sad.
So we woke up the next morning and decided to try to fix it. I was searching pixie cuts the night before. Thinking that would be best. I started playing with it and just decided to cut it as close as I could to what I (eventually) wanted it to look like. It's going to take us years to grow out. And even more years to get it as long as it was.
The pieces on top. There is a somewhat large section on the top that is this short. Sometimes, when she wakes up, it's all sticking straight up.
Her bang area.
And if someone could please explain how she managed to hack off the middle of the back... Eric said he was just glad she didn't cut her fingers off. I hadn't even thought of that but he made a valid point.
The front pre-cut.

Post cut
Without the cape. Meh. I had to fix one side. Lincoln was fussing and he had enough. It had to wait for another day.
With headbands. Much, much better. So she has to wear a headband from here on out.

We joked about our gender neutral twins. Occasionally people will ask if B is a girl. Because of his long locks. Then B decided he wanted his hair cut "like Sawyer's." So I said fine. His bangs were terrible anyways.
Pre-cut. With terrible bangs.
Post-cut. I gave him a mirror to look at it. I said "Do you like it?" He said "Nope. I'm gonna grow it out again." I was like "Are you sad? Do you need a hug? Are you mad?" He said "Nope. I'm fine." It was hilarious. He kept telling everybody he just wanted to see what it looked like. I think he looks handsome. But I do prefer it long ;)
His smile. Ugh. :)
Post second cut. With earrings. And you can see the spikes in the back. She wouldn't sit still the second time I was cutting it so I told her to stop moving or I would put her in time out when we were done. She said "I AM in time out." I almost laughed. I said "No you aren't. You better get used to it. It's going to take us a lot of haircuts to fix this."
Then I had an ingenious idea. What if we took Joelle to get her ears pierced?! So I asked her. She was actually really excited! So I rolled with it. We were talking about where to go since our previous experience went so well. We found a tattoo parlor that would do it in Holland. I know that it's supposed to be better to get it done at a tattoo parlor but I'm not quite sure I understand why. It was so painful for her.
She's looking a little nervous ;)

Post piercing. They are SO cute! She does love them. She is quite sad that it was so painful. First they had to stab one ear. Then they had to do the other. She went to lay on her side at night and couldn't. Poor baby :( She was excited to show all her friends at VBS and they all loved them. I'm hoping the whole cleaning and turning of them will go ok.
So that's all that happened in the past 24 hours. Pardon my slightly depressing take on it all. I still can't laugh about it. Someday. Maybe someday.
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