Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pure Silence. Literally.

Eric was golfing tonight, so he wasn't home.  We brought a friend a couple meals so we didn't get back until 6.  I had nothing made for us and no leftovers so I decided to stop at McDonalds instead of having sandwiches (again).  I can, quite literally, count on one hand the number of times I have fed my children McDonalds.  We have one in our neighborhood so sometimes it is extremely tempting.  I avoid it like the plague.  The germs in the play land scare me and the food is the opposite of healthy.  I knew that the kids would love it because who doesn't love nuggets and fries?!  I sat them down with their plates and all I could hear was the sound of gnashing teeth.  I am not joking.  Dinner is never that silent at our house.  They must have been feeling lucky.

Yes they have to be seated like that.  If Brecken and Joelle are next to each other, like they used to be, Joelle HAS to have her chair touching Brecken's.  Touching, I know.  Not so touching when he steals her food and she gets SUPER pissed.  Even if I have them on the same side but as far away from each other as I can, she will pull herself along the table until she is touching him.  And then he steals her food.  And we listen to the angry monster noises.  So they all sit separated. 

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