We had a rare day to ourselves and I wanted to do something fun with the kids so I thought of Post Family Farms. I told Adelyn and she was sooo excited to go. When I had her get her shoes on she came out with sandals and I told her to get shoes on because it was cold AND because we were going to a farm. She proceeded to scream and cry for about 20 minutes because she didn't want to wear shoes. She tried on every pair of shoes in the pantry and there was something wrong with each of them. During her tirade I put shoes on Joelle and she proceeded to scream for because she wanted sandals on as well. I got Brecken all ready and amidst all the crying and screaming I decided we weren't going because I didn't want to deal with Adelyn all morning. Then I decided that wasn't fair to Brecken and Joelle so I told her we were going but she had to sit in the stroller the whole time because of her attitude. She got in the van without shoes on and away we went. I decided to let B and J try their hand at walking and was planning on committing social suicide because of it. They actually did really well and listened. When we got there Adelyn got in the stroller and was, generally, happy as a clam. The only times she got irritated was when we were in the barn and she was waiting outside while we pet the baby animals, while we were petting a cat and when I told B and J we would go get donuts. She got REALLY upset when I told Brecken and Joelle we were going to get donuts because she thought she didn't get any. She was screaming "I want donuts! I want donuts!" Anytime she complained I ignored her and this time was no exception. We walked out from getting our donuts and a lady said to me "Oh I see she got her donuts." I'm sure she meant it as a joke or just was commenting but I wanted to say to her "Do you know what I had to go through to get these donuts?!?!" Instead I smiled and walked away.
Pretty little lady petting the goats.
Pretty much her face the whole time.
Petting the baby cows.
Feeding the goats
Ooo look at the kitty! My little animal lover.
Riding the tire horses.

All in all it was fine. Other than me being frustrated that she didn't seem to care about her "punishment." Argh.
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