Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Kaylee and Kaleb make 5.

Kaylee and Kaleb came to visit!  Their momma went to Shipshewana for the day and I offered to watch the kids.  Mrs. Rachael paid me in Amish cinnamon rolls.  I accept.  Rachael told me that Kaylee hadn't been taking naps so I was pretty determined to make sure that one DID happen.   We played hard outside all morning and we went for a walk.  She took a nap.  ;)  I was pretty amused that Adelyn isn't the only one that says random silly things.  We were eating lunch and Brecken put his plate all over his head.  I told him not too.  Kaylee said "It's ok Mister Nichole.  Kaleb does that too."  Haha.  Earlier in the morning I was doing a poop check before we went outside and Adelyn asked Kaleb if he had poop in his diaper.  He bent over and smelled.  I laughed out loud.  During nap time I spray painted some frames in the garage.  I went to get Kaylee from her nap and I walk in all happy like "Hi Kaylee!  Good job taking a nap!"  She says "Mister Nichole where you painting your pictures?"  I said "How did you know that?"  She said "My daddy does that."  What a little stinker.  After naps we headed out back to show them some hillbilly fun.

**No babies were harmed during this episode**

Kaleb and Joelle.  Right after popsicles ;)

            Some friendly smooches...                                                       ...and some sweet, sweet hugs.

                          Flying!                                                                                     Collision!
            Kaylee having a blast ;)                                                 Even thought it's out of's hilarious.

 Please get a good look at his face. 

I'm so mean.  In order to get this little half smile I told him I saw his mommy.  Haha.

Mister B getting a drink out of the hose.  Sometimes he choked.  Maybe because he would stick the whole thing in there.  Life lessons I tell ya.

Everyone is always amazed that I will take on extra children.  Once you have had three toddlers at the same time, what's two more?!?!  Our back yard is fenced in.  It's like a big hamster cage.

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