Tuesday, June 22, 2010

SURPRISE and random thoughts

For the few of you who guessed my surprise from my previous post (ahem-Kelly ;) ) I actually deleted what I had said and will re-enter it again tonight..just so I can remember what I had been feeling that day..

As for my surprise we are going to have a double blessing in December-we are pregnant with TWINS!!! It caught us incredibly by surprise since neither of us have twins, at all, on either side. The one and only thing I can think of is that I had only been done nursing Adelyn for a month before I got pregnant..and being pregnant for 9 months and nursing for 13 months equals 21 months of the female organs not knowing what to do. We have since got over the shock and the excitement is beginning to set in. I always tell Eric that the Big Man upstairs must think he's one funny individual because I was always one to proclaim loud and clear that I would NEVER have twins, I would never drive a mini-van (which is now our only (practical) option), I am terrified of stretch marks (and being pregnant with twins I am bound to get them), I am terrified of reaching whale like proportions, little babies scare me-little as in 4lbs..I can do 5lbs. 4, not so much...much less, I now have to deliver not one but TWO babies. The other things that terrify me is that Adelyn is going to get lost in the shuffle and I want to, but essentially have to, breastfeed. But He knows what He's doing and He must think I can do it :)
Oh and having a "plan" how many, what gender and how many years apart they are pretty much flew out the window too. I've heard from many people that having a "plan" is pretty much asking for something different. Ours was to have 2 kids close together, preferably girls, then wait until Adelyn started school to start trying for our 1 (in Eric's opinion) or 2 (in my opinion) more kids, boys. Pretty sure that isn't going to happen :)
The babies are both measuring exactly the same and they are fraternal..definitely a bonus, no twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome with fraternal twins!
We have many changes coming in the Fitzgerald family and we are excited for what comes our way!

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