Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I have discovered that just because it didn't put a little squiggly underneath the word doesn't mean that it isn't misspelled. Oops. Hopefully I fixed them all.

Those People

Well I can honestly say that we have officially been Those People. You know, the ones when you are in a restaurant that have the child who is arching her back in the high chair, flinging toys and making loud noises. Or the ones who are in the store and as soon as the stroller stops moving the child starts sobbing. Yes, Those People. We went to 84 East and the first happened. Yesterday I went to Children's Place and the second happened. Neither time was nap time. At Children's Place I was even shopping for YOU. Most definitely not me. I must say though, while we were at the Children's Place we weren't THOSE PEOPLE. The ones who have the child that is flailing her arms, screaming and knocking things off the racks. If I ever am on my way to becoming THOSE PEOPLE I sure hope I leave before it gets to that point.
While I was at the mall I was hoping to shop for myself. I desperately need some long sleeve shirts, probably because I keep wearing the same thing and we all know how warm it's been here lately. Alas, I decided I didn't need long sleeve shirts bad enough to become THOSE PEOPLE.

*Sniff*7 Months Old*Sniff*

Adelyn, Adelyn J, Miss Adelyn, Addy, A, Goose, Gossey, Baby Adelyn. Those are our terms of endearment for you so far. Of course honey, sweetie and all of those can be added to the mix too :)

-You nurse 3 times a day, eat meals 3 times a day and take 2 naps.
-You are sitting exclusively. For long periods.
-You will rock back and forth on your hands and knees.
-You LOVE water. LOVE.
-You are in 6-9 month clothes.
-Size 3 diaper.
-Wave good-bye. Or hello. Either way.
-I still cannot find anything you do not like. Hopefully the trend continues.
-You can now blow raspberries. I was all concerned because you weren't doing this and I had been reading other babies do it much earlier. Little did I know if I just did it at you a couple days in a row, you would do it ;) Your dad wasn't very impressed. He seemed to think it wasn't developmentally important. Silly mommy, thinking blowing raspberries is important.
-STILL have not had a drop of formula. Or canned baby food. Go me. Your daddy helped me make baby food the other night. We made enough for almost a month. After we were done he said (and I quote) "I don't know how you do it."
-You LOVE your blanket. Or hot pad. Depends on which parent you ask ;) You heard it here first WILL NOT leave your crib. Unless if we go on vacation. It then comes with for your pack n play.
-Have graduated to the Recaro Como in Pink. You love it. You were 4 lbs and 3 inches away from outgrowing your other seat but you do enjoy this seat so much more because you sit up.
-Still have not gotten your first teeth. I don't even look anymore. I figure I'll know once you bite me. I'm looking forward to it.

I love you baby girl!

6 Month Pics-Quite possibly my favorite :)

The talented lady who takes our pictures is Tammi Dryden: more than words photography. The reason the are, quite possibly, my favorite is because A is becoming so expressive and is always pulling a different face. She now smiles incredibly easily compared to when we had her last pictures done, at three months. We also got some incredible shots of her and Daddy!

*Since blogger isn't letting me publish pictures I will do that at a later time.

Schedules, Schedules, Schedules

0-3 Month Schedule:
eat, sleep, poop, pee. Ok so the first month or two you were on that schedule. Then you decided you like the every 3 hour schedule. I fed you basically at 7, 10, 1, 4 and 7. You napped between each feeding and slept for 12 hours, starting at 9 weeks.

3-6 month and 3 weeks Schedule:
You decided, not me, that you wanted to nurse every 4 hours. I fed you at 7, 11, 3 and 7. At 4 months we introduced solids starting with a supper around 4:30 each night. At 5 months we started breakfast around 8. During that time frame you were taking 3 naps around 9, 1 and 4. Your 4 o'clock nap was incredibly short, 15-30 minutes. I know "the books" don't call that a real nap but believe me you needed it.

6 month and 3 weeks-Present Schedule:
You, once again, decided, not me, that you wanted to nurse only 3 times. You decided to, all of a sudden, take super long naps-for you-and it was becoming very inconvenient-for me-to nurse you 4 times and feed you twice. Soooo we devised the "new schedule." I nurse you at 7, 1 and 7 and feed you at 8, 12 and 4:30. Your lunch now consists of chopped fruits/veggies, not mashed, and you do extremely well with it. You now nap at 10 and 3 and each nap is at least an hour if not between 1 hour and 2 hours. You still go to bed at approximately 7:15 and you proceed to sleep until 7 the next morning. woot. woot.

I am quite thrilled at you naturally weaning yourself. I just didn't think the process would start so early. It is exactly how I want it to go and hopefully you continue to do so.