Thursday, December 31, 2015

December Phone Dump

Sleeping Lincoln.  #SorryNotSorry

The only picture I have of the kids decorating the tree.  It's a good one.

Brecken builds all kinds of things out of Legos.  Today he built a gun.  "Just like Uncle Josh's." 

I'd say he was pretty accurate.

Movie Night with popcorn

Adelyn sleepwalks.  A lot.  I took this one because it's hilarious.  She walked in, climbed up on the bed and laid down.  Just like this.  {Those are our gifts to the kids, Eric's parent's gifts to the kids and our gifts to everyone else.  Don't judge.}

Scrolling through my pictures on my phone and found this one.  I certainly didn't take it.  ;)

Cuties feel a little neglected on Wednesday's.  And Joelle hates sitting in the back by herself (when Adelyn's gone).

Snuck in on them during nap time.  Because sometimes they still sleep together and it's adorable.

This is what happens when Lincoln is angry and you let him come in the bathroom with you.  #MomLife

My December Costco trip.  There was no good way to get that table in/on the cart.  So Brecken and Joelle had to lay on it to get it to stay.  People thought it was hysterical.

I texted Eric this picture of my bill.  This is also the time I signed up for the executive membership.  Eric's response was inappropriate.  So I won't share it.

Oh Lincoln.  Sigh.

The glasses.  BAHAHAHAHAHA

Adelyn got to take a parent with her for one Saturday of dance.  So fun.

It was approximately 10:00 one Saturday.  I was gone and Eric texted me that Joelle was still sleeping.  And I was all "Uhhhh did you check on her....?"  Not to much later, he texted me this.  Adorable.

Sad day.  The truck is over 50,000 miles.

Growing up my grandma always made Fatballs.  I haven't been able to eat them for a couple years because they are obviously not GF.  I upped my game and made them GF.  They were most excellent.

Season 6 of Parenthood on Nextflix.  I binge watched it all again.  So I've watched it all twice.  Don't judge.  Lincoln probably has the show memorized.  I started watching it (the first time) right after I had him.  I would watch it while I nursed him at night.  A lot.  Round two is much of the same.

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