Thursday, December 31, 2015

December Phone Dump

Sleeping Lincoln.  #SorryNotSorry

The only picture I have of the kids decorating the tree.  It's a good one.

Brecken builds all kinds of things out of Legos.  Today he built a gun.  "Just like Uncle Josh's." 

I'd say he was pretty accurate.

Movie Night with popcorn

Adelyn sleepwalks.  A lot.  I took this one because it's hilarious.  She walked in, climbed up on the bed and laid down.  Just like this.  {Those are our gifts to the kids, Eric's parent's gifts to the kids and our gifts to everyone else.  Don't judge.}

Scrolling through my pictures on my phone and found this one.  I certainly didn't take it.  ;)

Cuties feel a little neglected on Wednesday's.  And Joelle hates sitting in the back by herself (when Adelyn's gone).

Snuck in on them during nap time.  Because sometimes they still sleep together and it's adorable.

This is what happens when Lincoln is angry and you let him come in the bathroom with you.  #MomLife

My December Costco trip.  There was no good way to get that table in/on the cart.  So Brecken and Joelle had to lay on it to get it to stay.  People thought it was hysterical.

I texted Eric this picture of my bill.  This is also the time I signed up for the executive membership.  Eric's response was inappropriate.  So I won't share it.

Oh Lincoln.  Sigh.

The glasses.  BAHAHAHAHAHA

Adelyn got to take a parent with her for one Saturday of dance.  So fun.

It was approximately 10:00 one Saturday.  I was gone and Eric texted me that Joelle was still sleeping.  And I was all "Uhhhh did you check on her....?"  Not to much later, he texted me this.  Adorable.

Sad day.  The truck is over 50,000 miles.

Growing up my grandma always made Fatballs.  I haven't been able to eat them for a couple years because they are obviously not GF.  I upped my game and made them GF.  They were most excellent.

Season 6 of Parenthood on Nextflix.  I binge watched it all again.  So I've watched it all twice.  Don't judge.  Lincoln probably has the show memorized.  I started watching it (the first time) right after I had him.  I would watch it while I nursed him at night.  A lot.  Round two is much of the same.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Rogalske Christmas

This sums up the Rogalske Christmas.  Glass of wine and crazy faces.
I have no pictures of our Christmas.  I do not remember why.  I do know that we were sick, we had to move Christmas and that is it.

Rogalske Christmas

This sums up the Rogalske Christmas.  Glass of wine and crazy faces.
I have no pictures of our Christmas.  I do not remember why.  I do know that we were sick, we had to move Christmas and that is it.

Rogalske Christmas

This sums up the Rogalske Christmas.  Glass of wine and crazy faces.
I have no pictures of our Christmas.  I do not remember why.  I do know that we were sick, we had to move Christmas and that is it.

Rogalske Christmas

This sums up the Rogalske Christmas.  Glass of wine and crazy faces.
I have no pictures of our Christmas.  I do not remember why.  I do know that we were sick, we had to move Christmas and that is it.

Rogalske Christmas

This sums up the Rogalske Christmas.  Glass of wine and crazy faces.
I have no pictures of our Christmas.  I do not remember why.  I do know that we were sick, we had to move Christmas and that is it.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Our Christmas

This is the best Christmas picture we got.  I can't even make this up.  Next year we will do better.

Christmas morning stockings!  Yes.  Lincoln doesn't have one.  He does.  But we didn't hang it.  And he didn't get stocking presents.  We are cheap.  Next year we won't be so lucky.  Our children love stuffed animals.  Love them.  Stuffed inside was a small Lego set, goofy pens, a DVD, socks, Lego men for Brecken (we have lots of girls, no boys) and some little Korean eraser puzzle things for the girls.  (Adelyn has some already and adores them)

The stack of presents.  Don't be alarmed.  Most were actually for Eric and I.  HA.

Now this is a cute picture of some uber cute kids.

"Hmmmm....what's in this stocking?!"

Someone tucked a block in B's....Lincolnnnnnn.

Checking out her movie

Every year we get them a book.  Here's Lincoln's.  I write their name on the back and the year and I'm going to give them all to them when they leave the house.

Puzzles.  We love puzzles.

Technically Adelyn only got one big gift.  This Lego.  She has been asking for it since summer.  All three each got a puzzle, they all really wanted a globe (so they all opened that-Joelle said it was her favorite gift of the Christmas season) and we got some Adventures in Odyssey that I wrapped up.  So they had plenty of presents to un-wrap.  ;)

Drum-roll please...
Eric and I went big...or went home on gifts this year.  We never do this.
Eric got me a new apron, a 4C. measuring cup (I was really angry when my original broke), a Nike hoodie, yoga pants AND A BLENDTEC BLENDER.  I use it all the time.

I got him two pairs of Sperries and 12 months of dates.
January::Brick Road Pizza and Pop Scholars
February::supposed to go on a family vacay to a water park.  Didn't happen.  #FitzFamReno
March::supposed to go to a comedy event and get dinner neither of which I bought tickets before because the comedy tickets didn't go on sale until January and the place where I was going to do dinner at, wanted to charge me SIX DOLLARS to mail a gift card.  We didn't do anything.  #FitzFamReno
April::Whitecaps tickets.  I actually bought a package where they gave us 12 tickets to games, $10 in stadium food and 2 free movie tickets.
May::Shipse date
June::Drive-in and dinner at The Station
July::Golf date for him and a friend at Thornapple Pointe, dinner at La Cantina and a movie for him and me.  Tis also his birthday month.
August::Beach day and dinner at Clementines
September::Segway tour and dinner at The Electric Cheetah
October::Art Prize and dinner at Leo's
November:;Cherry Tree Inn with the whole family
December::Up on the Rooftops and New Holland Brewery
I bought all the tickets and gift cards for everything, put everything in it's own month, sealed them and he had to open them all up.  It was a lot of fun.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Lincoln's First Haircut

My little stud muffin got his first haircut today.  I was growing it, and growing it.  He is my baldest baby.  I was hoping his hair would be curly like B's but it is not.  I have NO CLUE where Joelle and Lincoln got their stick straight hair.  Because no one in Eric's family or mine has straight hair.  Must be some crazy gene somewhere.  Lincoln was starting to get a serious mullet going.  His hair is so fine and wispy, it had to go.

Suckers.  4th kid problems.  Give him a sucker and he's quiet.

The long ness in the back.  It's long.

Done!  Such a stud.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Fitz Christmas

Eric was the designated picture taker.  I love him dearly, but that's usually a mistake.  Most of my pictures were blurry, most of the other ones had someone's butt taking up the majority of the picture....and here are the rest.

Eric's momma opening her gifts.

Sweet lady Adelyn.

Brecken being oh so studious

Adelyn opening her Razor scooter.  All three of them have been begggggggin for scooters.  Papa and Grandma got everyone one.  It was the highlight of gift giving.

Uncle Scott got them Boogie Boards.  Another HUGE hit.

We came home with lots of Legos, trucks, scooters, boogie boards, games and a big ride on toy for Lincoln.  The kids were elated with all of their gifts.

Church Christmas Programs

Church Christmas program.  This was the first service for Brecken and Joelle.  I wish I had a picture of the second service.  Joelle didn't look like such a giant.

Please note, the 2nd and 3rd boy from the left.  The third boy, Sawyer, was shushing Jonah.  The whole church laughed.

Aanndd the big kids!  Wow.  They look awesome :)

Friday, December 18, 2015

B and J::BirthDAY

Birthday week celebration!  They got their free treat from B&N.  We went on a Wednesday Adelyn was in school.  Whoops.

Birthday morning!  These cuties are FIVE.  Ugh.

*Mid baking marathon*
They requested "eggs like when we go camping" for breakfast.  So scrambled egg bags, boiled.  So good.

Sawyer came for a visit!

Birthday twinsies = two birthday suppers.  Mac and cheese for Brecken and hang-ga-burgers for Joelle.  Jello and broccoli on the side.

Candles and dessert and birthday songs, on my.

Present time!

Aren't they the cutest?!  Ha!