Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September Phone Dump

Went to get apples from Wells and this was the line.  They have been working on the Grandville exit all summer.  Today was no exception.

LuLaRoe and apples.

I don't know what he's upset about but this is hilarious.

Sleeping Lincoln.  I do apologize (not really) for all the sleeping pictures of my baby.  I'll stop taking them when he leaves my house.

Went to a friends house for Labor Day.  They were catching fish with hot dogs.  Joelle was SO excited to reel one in.
The highlight of this month (not really a highlight) is Lincoln being COVERED in hives.  We (still) aren't sure what caused them.  He had them for a week straight.  I was in contact with his allergist but we couldn't get him in right away because I had given him benadryl.  His little buns were covered in them from his poop too.  She had me switch his allergy meds a couple times because they were effecting him.  AND he refused to take them.  I had to try a new way every time.  Once I found a way that worked he would refuse to take it that way the next time.  Lord help us if he ever has to be on meds for real.  Can you believe he's never REALLY been on an antibiotic?!  We tried reflux meds for 3/4 days when he was itty bitty but they did absolutely nothing except make it worse.  The hives have not come back.  We shall see if it ever happens again...

Eric was hounding me to get the oil changed.  The day I had an appointment the light came on.  Whoops.


Everyone's talking about the highlight of their day being watching Costco make pizza.  But, alas, here we are.

Turkey feet for broth.  Don't they look appetizing?!  No.

Nursing this sweet babe never gets old either.  Teething has been a bugger for him.  He's been taking morning naps again.

Watched a friend's baby for the morning.  He's the sweetest.

Erinn laughed when she saw Lincoln.  Then she took Nathan's blanket off.  They must have called each other.

The kids were pretty stoked to see this hawk.

We had our church picnic.  The weather was awesome.  The food was great.  The fellowship was amazing.
These two cuties got their face's painted like kitties.

My boys and our cotton candy.
You know that meme going around with the toddler eating apples?  Yeah.  That's Lincoln.

Eric went golfing one night and I told him I was going to make the biggest apple crisp ever and we were going to eat it without him.  I think I might have succeeded.  Obviously there was some left for him.

Adelyn wanted a braid crown all the way around her head.  I obliged.  Then she got mad when I put a bun in so you could see the whole thing.  Girls.


Adelyn set a tea party up for us.  Complete with gluten free pastries.  How could I resist?!

Popcorn.  Lincoln was super excited.  He looks a bit like a dog...

Applesauce time.  My nemesis.

I realize I'm immature.  But this is hysterical.  I don't care who you are.  I took a nap and came out to find Adelyn's note.  "I did do the dishes."  Bahahahaha hahahahaha hahahaha

Getting ready for the Mom2Mom sale.  Always a fun time.

I went to take a shower.  I was thinking it was kind of quiet...  Then I saw him sleeping.  Poor boy.

Nana has had some work trips she has had to take.  We've had Papa over for supper quite a bit.  The kids weren't complaining.

Michigan Sunsets.  They don't disappoint.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Homeschool Field Trip::Sietsema Orchards

This summer Mary, Lindsey and I got together and wanted to start a homeschool co-op.  We envisioned doing field trips once a month with our group of church friends.  We have quite a large group of people that homeschool at our church and what a perfect group to do events with.

Our first trip was to Sietsema Orchards.  They did SUCH a great job.  We went on a hay ride around the orchard.  They stopped 4 different times and explained how the trees grow.  They told us how they make cider, what they do in the winter and their different varieties of apples.  They also do pumpkins and squash so they showed us those too.
Their bakery.  She was explaining how they make the donuts here.

Cold storage.

Cider press.  She showed us how it worked.

As part of our field trip we got to sample donuts and cider.  Yum.

They also got to pick a yummy McIntosh off a tree.  Naturally mine wanted to eat it right away.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Cranes::Apple Picking

We had to go to Cranes for our annual apple picking.  Everyone needs to bring 708 pounds of apples home.

He wouldn't be a Fitzgerald if he didn't love apples.
Big brothers apple is always better than your own.

These sweet babies.  Stop growing.

Lincoln::14 months

Whew.  It's been so long since I did an update on the Little Man.  I do have his 1 year update.  But I haven't gotten around to typing it up yet.  And he looks like a toddler.  Wah.

-24 pounds.  Hovering right around the same weight for a couple months.
-18 month clothes.  We have 18-24 month long sleeve stuff out and it's a bit big.
-Had to graduate you to size 4 diapers.  I really couldn't drag out the last case of 3's.  So I sold it.
-you nurse 3/4 times a day.  For the past 5 nights I have been sleeping in the basement.  Initially because I was coughing so much.  Now I have told Eric I'm not coming back until he sleeps through.  I was talking to Eric about it and he has essentially been sleeping the exact same since day 1.  Waking once, occasionally twice, a night.  I know he was an amazing sleeper as a newborn.  But now he needs to be an amazing sleeper as a toddler.
-you adore eating.  You eat everything.  I'm not sure I can think of something you WON'T eat.
-you think the bathtub is the best thing that has ever happened.
-you are a super speedy crawler.
-you go up and down the stairs
-you get on and off the couch.  And we don't have a short couch.
-loves to wave.  He will wave at me the whole time I'm nursing him.  When he first sees me in the morning.  He waves.  He loves waving at other people.  It's pretty cute.
-walk around ev.ery.thing.  Still won't walk without holding onto something but you are certainly progressing.
-you love your momma.  And hate the church nursery.  You will SCREAM the entire time.  So we are going to start leaving you in there a little bit longer each week.
-you have 6 teeth.  You got 5 teeth during your 11th month.  1 tooth at 13 months and that's it.
-we are convinced you are part goat.  If you see paper you eat it.  
-are slowly working on your listening skills.  I am starting to see a difference.
-you follow simple commands.  "Close the cupboard."  "Close the toilet seat."  You know.  Things like that.
-talk and mimic sounds a TON.
-love going for walks.  Sometimes you ride in the stroller, sometimes the Ergo.
-are slightly less messy with your food.  You don't blow raspberries in it anymore.  But you have been known to chuck your plate on the ground.
-you do love blowing bubbles with your spit.
-Confession::I bought you paci's.  I was hoping it would help with you sleeping at night.  I showed you what to do with them and you did it.  You fell asleep with it the first night and I thought I was in the clear.  HA HA HA.  I kept trying and you would furiously shake your head no and wail at me.  Then Eric promptly stepped on one and broke it.  Which has NEVER happened in our 4 prior years of paci's.  He said "Good.  I thought that was a stupid idea anyways."  To which I have now responded with "It is your turn to get up with him."
-I am back to eating all foods...except white flour.  We don't eat much dairy anyways and I still order vegan cheese if we get pizza.  But I eat butter.  And I wouldn't ask about milk unless if it was swimming in milk/cheese.  I started eating my Einkorn again.  I was really nervous to do it.  But the 40lbs in my basement keeps staring at me and it makes me mad.  So I made banana bread and ate it.  And I was fine.  And Lincoln was fine.  I've been using it since then without problems.  Lincoln has been eating it too and hasn't had any reactions.  Who knows.  I'm just glad we can be less OCD about it.

I took the picture of Lincoln, for his 14 months, just looked at it and laughed.  Holy Adelyn.  Lincoln is definitely the least hairy baby.  But good grief.  The kid is like a clone of Adelyn.  I'm gonna put a bow in his hair and put him in a dress and see if anyone gets confused ;)