I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't like the ages 2-4.5. 5 is where it's at people. We have had some problem spots with these two. Sometimes it's so hard with TWO of them. One of them will have a bad couple days and then the other one will have a bad couple of days. No reprieve. With all that being said they handle the holiday's really well and we always have fun this time of year. It helps a lot when *I* am consistent and have ideas for them to do all day. Imagine that. Their personalities are really developing and it's so fun to see them grow though.
We have entered the phase of funky pictures. This is them at their best. Put your chin down. Not that far down. Smile. Show your teeth. Open your eyes. Put your chin down. Sit up straight. Sigh. OK. That's great. Pretty much how pictures go ;)

Little Interview::
We have entered the phase of funky pictures. This is them at their best. Put your chin down. Not that far down. Smile. Show your teeth. Open your eyes. Put your chin down. Sit up straight. Sigh. OK. That's great. Pretty much how pictures go ;)
-36lb 9oz, 57th percentile
-40.5inches, 56th percentile
- size 9/10 shoe
-4T/5T clothes
-still napping regularly, still sleeping great at night
-still sleeps with your blankie and we have recently downgraded to 3 stuff animals. You guys had these huge piles in your bed and you wouldn't care if we took some away to get you to stay in bed. We got you new blankies for Christmas and you told me "I was ready for some new corners. These ones will be ok." I was a bit worried about the transition because you love to rub the corners. When I had asked you about them, while they were being made, you informed me that you would only rub the corners you currently had.
-are usually the first one up between you and Joelle
-working on colors. Slowly you are getting better at them. We are a bit worried you are color blind. But are hoping it's just being diligent on Mommy's part on working at them.
-can count to 15
-can say the ABC's
-recognize about half of the letters.
-great at letter recognition if I do sounds
-working on writing
-love to write the letter B. We find it everywhere.
-great at letter recognition if I do sounds
-working on writing
-love to write the letter B. We find it everywhere.
-awesome at recognizing shapes
-LOVES to be read too. No matter how crazy you are acting you will always sit down to read.
-loves to color. Working at staying in the lines.
-loves playing outside. Even when its freezing. But, subsequently, you HATE being cold.
-are the craziest, wildest Indian I know.
-LOVES to pray
-loves to help with chores. Peeling carrots is a favorite.
-pickest and smallest eater. You still put loads of kids we know to shame though.
-are so ready for Lincoln to be big so you an wrestle. The girls tolerate your wrestling very well. But you can be a littttttle rough.
-are always concerned when somebody gets hurt.
-you HATE loud noises. You will slap your hands over your ears so fast when somebody is crying. Amazingly, you don't do it when YOU are whinging.
-are always concerned when somebody gets hurt.
-you HATE loud noises. You will slap your hands over your ears so fast when somebody is crying. Amazingly, you don't do it when YOU are whinging.
-love your friends. You especially love it when boys come over to play.
-are an amazing puzzle doer. It just clicked a couple months ago and you can do them like crazy now.
-such a sweet, sweet little man. You are always concerned when someone is hurt.
-working on your whining. It's reallly, really awful.
-are an amazing puzzle doer. It just clicked a couple months ago and you can do them like crazy now.
-such a sweet, sweet little man. You are always concerned when someone is hurt.
-working on your whining. It's reallly, really awful.
Little Interview::
What's your name:: Brecken
How old are you:: Four
What's your favorite color:: Orange with Blue
Who is your best friend:: Sawyer and William
What is your favorite animal:: Zebras and Horsies
What do you want to do when you grow up:: I want to be like Daddy and bake
What is your favorite movie:: Cars. Mater and Sally.
What is your favorite book:: Disney look and find write and erase
What makes you happy:: Aminals (how he said it) and owls
makes you sad:: Angriness
What is your favorite food:: Cereal and eggs and muffins
What food is gross:: Salad and grass and leaves
What is your favorite song:: Marshmallow veggie tales song
games do you like to play:: Mickey Mouse game at Nana and Papa's.

We took pictures of them in the sleigh when they were babies. Look at them now. The photographer that took their newborn pictures was selling it and asked me if I wanted it. Um YES! They love that they used it as babies. They were constantly pushing it around with animals in it. I had to confiscate it so I could use it as decoration with their newborn and 1 year pictures.

Where the sleigh, the newborn picture and 1 year picture are currently residing :) Ladder bookshelf on the basement wall.
-39lbs 6oz, 81st percentile
-43in tall, 97th percentile I can't even make that up.
-size 10/11 shoe
-4T/5T/XS clothes
-still taking a nap regularly. Night time sleep...ha. You sleep great...in our bed. We are working on it. I just can't be mean about it so we are trying various things.
-when we transitioned to new blankies, you were fine with the new corners. But you just told me your other corner was better for rubbing. Oh.my.word.
-LOVES to read
-knows almost all of your colors
-know your shapes
-can write your name and say it
-can write your name and say it
-can sing the ABC's
-learning how to write quite a few letters
-went from doing your (seriously) dumb 6 piece Dora puzzle to doing 48 piece ones. We love to do puzzles as a family and you both do great working on sections of those.
-learning how to write quite a few letters
-went from doing your (seriously) dumb 6 piece Dora puzzle to doing 48 piece ones. We love to do puzzles as a family and you both do great working on sections of those.
-still have quite the "accent" the doctor wasn't concerned and said speech problems should self-correct by school age.
-you are SO sassy. You are a fighter.
-the second anyone says anything remotely "naughty" you pick right up on it and we have to correct it right away.
-love to cuddle. If you are ever angry or sad you just want to be held tightly.
-love to help with chores.
-you LOVE to eat. You can put more food away than I can.
-love to hold Lincoln. Love to hold any baby.
-love learning. The second you see something, it's learned. You memorize your Awana verses like nobodies business.
-you are the life of our family. You are so hot and cold. You keep us on our toes all the time.
-you dance ev.ery.where. I always have to tell you to watch where you are going because you are constantly skipping and dancing and jumping around.
-call me Momma alllll the time and I love it. Adelyn and Brecken call me Moooooom. Not my favorite. I think Mom sounds so old maid'ish.
-you are the life of our family. You are so hot and cold. You keep us on our toes all the time.
-you dance ev.ery.where. I always have to tell you to watch where you are going because you are constantly skipping and dancing and jumping around.
-call me Momma alllll the time and I love it. Adelyn and Brecken call me Moooooom. Not my favorite. I think Mom sounds so old maid'ish.
Little Interview::
What's your name::Jojo
How old are you:: Three, Four
What's your favorite color:: Purple and pink
Who is your best friend::Rachel that went camping with us
What is your favorite animal:: Zebras
What do you want to do when you grow up:: Make cupcakes and cakes
What is your favorite movie:: Elsa and Anna, Frozen
What is your favorite book:: Princesses
What makes you happy::Smiling, being good
makes you sad:: When I don't get lunch or supper or breakfast
What is your favorite food:: Macaroni and cheese
What food is gross:: Mushrooms
What is your favorite song:: Allouette
games do you like to play:: Candy cane (Candy Land)We took pictures of them in the sleigh when they were babies. Look at them now. The photographer that took their newborn pictures was selling it and asked me if I wanted it. Um YES! They love that they used it as babies. They were constantly pushing it around with animals in it. I had to confiscate it so I could use it as decoration with their newborn and 1 year pictures.
Where the sleigh, the newborn picture and 1 year picture are currently residing :) Ladder bookshelf on the basement wall.
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