Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December Phone Dump

I am my father's daughter.  If you can't handle it, you lose it.  And not literally either.  Ha.  Brecken and Joelle looooove causing mischief at bedtime or naptime.  There favorite thing to do is lock the door.  So I took the door knob off.  Thankyouverylittle.

Another picture of sleeping Lincoln.

Took Brecken and Joelle to McDonald's on a Wednesday.  Such a rare treat for the Fitzgerald's.  An even rarer treat that *Mommy* bought happy meals.  That's Nana's job ;)

"Ewwwwwww.  Mommmmmmy! They put cucumbers on my burger!!!"  Technically, he's not wrong.  I forgot to order it plain.  Little Dude doesn't even like ketchup on his burger. 

Looooooooooooves his jumping chair.

Beans for lunch.  We love beans.


Pretty little lady.

They love climbing the tree stumps in the back.  Sad thing is the three tall trees behind B are dead now too.  We are thinking about taking them down and having a table made from the wood.  Something of a memento of our first house.  Sounds expensive so we haven't done it yet.  ;)

Everyone helped stuffing Christmas cards in envelopes.

One of L's faves

He shows some interest in foods.  It kinda comes and goes.  He was interested in my banana one day so I let him munch on it.  He liked it the first time.  Thought it was gross the second time.  Chewed on the peel the third time.  Haven't done anything else with foods.

Twinkies before their birthday party.   I like this picture better than the one I took with my big camera.

I didn't throw my mom under the bus on social media but I am here.  Strictly for memory's sake, Momma.  She got the word Pagoda and didn't know what it meant.  {Quite frankly neither did I}  This is what she drew.  Marianne and I were trying to guess and we guessed the amazon, snake, man eating snake, jungle etc.  She tells us all Pagoda.  Then we all say what the heck is Pagoda?!  Eric says "That thing you guys used to have in your backyard!"  I said "That's a PERGOLA, wise guy."  Marianne knew what it was because of their stint in Japan.

Pictures Adelyn drew for Mommy and Daddy

They got their birthday coupon in the mail from B&N so off we went. 

Rash allll over his face.  Again, phone doesn't do it justice.  :(

Snoozing while we were at the library.  I sent this to Eric because you can kinda see his bruised eyes and rash here.  The brightness of the library and crappy quality of cell phone pictures ruins it though.

Their actual birthday day.  Adelyn made them cards, we had leftover cake and that was it.  We didn't even mention the trampoline sitting in a box in the garage.  All we will hear about is how they want it set up, when are we going to put it up, will it ever stop snowing etc.  They never once asked for presents from us.  We will see if we get away with that, with big sister ;)

Eating her yummy treat from Kilwin's from Uncle Josh and Marianne.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

{Other} Rogalske Christmas

We had our FIFTH and FINAL Christmas party today.  We have failed to get pictures in front of the tree.  We decided to remedy that.

This is the best one.  They are pretty cute;)

Brecken wanted a picture with Lincoln.

I forgot who looked funny.  Me or Eric.  But really cute of the kids.  So I cropped us out.

There we go!  That's better.

Make a crazy face!  Joelle asked me why I look so mean.  She's not wrong...

At the grandparents...

That's one way to open presents.

Nothing is cuter than a sleeping baby.

The best present of all.

 It was my Uncle Jeff's 50th birthday in a week.  We celebrated while they were in town.  Someone got him a crossword puzzle.  And a cane.  And some depends.  And a walker with a horn on it.

Everyone stayed healthy for all of our Christmas's!  So thankful.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Our Christmas

Christmas morning dawned at 7:45 for these two.  We had to wait around for another hour while Joelle and Lincoln slept.  So Daddy built them a big ole marble run.

At my annual Favorite Things party a friend gave us a pickle that she had as a tradition in her family.  Adelyn had me read the story and now it will become a tradition in our family.  ;)  They had to hide the pickle in the tree and find it Christmas morning.  Never were more awkward conversations had.
Brecken was the first to find the pickle!

Stockings!  We may or may not have gone a bit overboard.  The big kids each had a note with a clue or where to find the rest of their stuff.

Brecken's was hidden "where Mommy stores her blue pots."

Adelyn's was hidden "in the bench with the duck on it."

Loving her purple lemur.

Joelle's was hidden "where we sit to play music."

Sweet girl loves her some stuffed animals.

We are not huge present lovers at the Fitzgerald's.  We love getting them things.  We hate getting them nonsense.  Brecken and Joelle's blankets we had made for them when they were born were getting too small and we never had one made for Adelyn.  So I had the grand idea to get blankets made.  

Joelle's blanket.

Brecken's blanket.  His hair is hilarious.

"Diapers?!"  She thought she really got diapers.  Ha.

Nope.  A pretty purple blanket.

Breakfast!  An egg dish and the one of the best GF baked goods I have made yet.

We typically make a cake and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus.  We forgot so we had to sing to Him after we ate.

Pictures of the kids in their Christmas jammies. 

Crazy faces.

Brecken started falling backwards because "Lincoln was too heavy."  Going, going, gone.

They adore their blankets and all of their stocking stuffers.  We had a wonderful Christmas.