Sunday, August 17, 2014

Lincoln::1 month

We rang in Lincoln's 1 month with an uber busy day.  And loads and loads of smiles.  He started smiling at me a week ago and has just started rewarding lots of people with smiles.

*weighs just over 11 pounds.  I weighed him on the food scale 5 or so days ago.
*0-3 month and 3 month clothes
*had to do away with the newborn diapers.  Size 1's it is.
*nurses every 3 hours like clockwork during the day.  6-8 is normal at night.  About once a week he likes to play the 4 hour game, at night.  I told Eric, last night, if L wakes anymore before 2, he's Judy on Duty to try and get him back to sleep without nursing.  The porker doesn't need it.  {Clearly, if he is distressed, I will feed him.}
*miles and miles of smiles.  The kids LOVE getting him to smile.
*absolutely HATES any type of shopping.  He has screamed through every trip I have taken.  Or been super fussy the whole time.  We went to Target yesterday and I plunked him in the Ergo.  He slept the whole time.  Fine then.  That's how we shall go.
*STILL paci free!  I think we are in the clear.  We will see how the next couple weeks go.  If he makes it past the 6 week potential for a crabby baby mark I think we will be in the clear.  Think.
*still haven't tried a bottle.  Oops.  I told Eric the other night we should try and he said "Why?!"  Umm because our previous children didn't like them.  And this one will probably hate them, now.
 *his eyes are almost white again.  Still a bit yellow.  Joelle's lasted 6 weeks so we shall see.

 A at 1 month
Baby Adelyn 201
B at 1 month
Jan 2011 011

J at 1 month
Jan 2011 010

Everyone wanted to take a picture by him.  Lincoln looks a little scared...probably for good reason;)


We love our little dude.

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