Thursday, August 7, 2014

Beach Day

We headed to the beach in the morning for some swimming.  Auntie came with us because she didn't have to work until night.  Woohoo!  It was BEAUTIFUL out.  No wind, warm, nicest beach day yet.  We got there just before 11 and there were quite a few people there already.

Little L under his umbrella.  Isn't his swimming suit hilarious?!

Can't forget lunch at the beach!

Right, Auntie?  ;)

Rise and Shine!  L needed to eat too.

Pretty girl.

Sweet kisses.

The water was, surprisingly, not horridly cold.

The kids were LOVING it.  B ran right in, up to his chest.  The girls quickly followed.

No beach post is good without a crack picture.  This boy.  He's my littlest one yet.  His swimming trunks are always falling down.

We came home and I filled the pool up while they were napping.  They wanted to get their inner tubes out.  B was walking around like this.  What could possibly go wrong?!  {Again, with the crack.}

I had bought some GF cereal for myself earlier in the week and I knew if I didn't buy the kiddos some I wouldn't hear the end of it.  So they got some Apple Rolls.  You're welcome.  They had finished the box this morning and I stuck it out on the step to be thrown away.  Joelle came running inside that night, shaking the box, and telling me they weren't all gone.  I said you better run finish them up then.  I came outside and saw this.  Ha.

What a beautiful day.

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