Sunday, May 15, 2011

Knock, Knock

On the ferry ride, on our way home from Mackinac Island, Adelyn knocked Joelle on the head.  How, you ask, do I know she was knocking??  Well, she curls her adorably pudgy little fingers into a fist and says "knock" while she does it.  Where she got that from I honestly have no clue.  I said "No, no Adelyn.  We don't knock on people's heads.  How would you like it if I knocked on your head?"  She said "Yeah, Mommy!"  I sighed.  {Insert long pause}  She leans her head towards me and says"ookk?"  Kind of like, I'm waiting!  I turned towards Eric and tried very hard to stifle my laughter.  Fortunately she never knocks hard.

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