Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Adelyn style..

I was coloring with Adelyn today and she was being super sweet.  She must have known I was having a really bad day.  No sleep+Sick kids=Bad day.  She was patting me on the back, rubbing my back and giving me random kisses.  She would say "Sorry, Mommy.  Sorry, Mommy"  give me kisses and shush me.  Most days that girl melts my heart.  We were talking about potty training and I asked her if she was ready.  She said "No, Mommy.  Happy Day."  I said "At your next Birthday?"  She said "yeah."  Lovely.  I think not!!

I was getting lunch ready and buckling Adelyn in her seat.  She said "Noggin hurt, Mommy."  I kissed it and laughed.  Noggin?!  Really?!

She's also been really into getting her "owies" kissed.  Any time she touches something wrong or actually gets hurt I have to kiss it.  What a character.

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