I can't believe in 1 month my sweet babies will be 1/2 a year old. I wish they stayed little for longer. The first year they grow way to fast!! They are changing and maturing so quickly. We haven't started them on food yet. Mostly because I'm not ready. My initial decision on food had been that I would wait until 6 months or until they had been showing signs they were ready. Well Brecken has been showing signs for a couple weeks now. Last night he grabbed my bowl 3 different times and he watches like a hawk when you are going towards your mouth with a utensil. Joelle has no interest..and she's the one that needs it. I actually tried to give her some prune juice the other day, because she has constipation issues, and she wanted nothing to do with it. Starting food could be interesting with her ;) I'll probably try in a week or two.
-you weigh 15.6lbs on the home scale
-you nurse at 7:30, 11:30, 3:30 and 7:30. you typically wake up between 5 and 6 in the middle of the night, sometimes sleeping until 7
-you take typically 3 naps a day. you have done a couple days this week with only 2.
-you wear 3-6month and 6month clothes
-a size 1-2 diaper during the day and a 3 at night. you should really be in 2's but i'm trying to use up the rest of the 1-2's
-you LOVE to smile
-you are so ready to eat real food but your momma isn't ready for that next step :(
-you roll over quite frequently from your belly to your back while you are in bed
-you have started laughing
-you love both of your sisters.
-i gave you your first bottle (from me) while on vacation. you took it but i didn't let you look at me ;)
-you love swimming.
-you are such a happy little boy but you can get mad REAL quickly if nobody shows you attention when you are starting to get angry.
-you are finishing up your 4th cold/allergies since the beginning of april. momma is starting to get real frustrated with the whole thing.
-you are getting so much hair but it is bleach white blonde so it doesn't look (in pictures and far away) like you have much hair
-you have started pulling your paci out and attempting to put it back in
Adelyn at 5 months:
-you weigh 15.8lbs on the home scale
-you wear 3-6month and 6month clothes
-you wear a size 1-2 diaper during the day and a 3 at night. you should really be in 2's but i'm trying to use up the rest of the 1-2's
-you nurse at 7:30, 11:30, 3:30 and 7:30. you typically wake up between 3 and 5 to nurse. you also wake up around 1 for somebody to pat your butt and put your paci back in.
-you take 3 naps a day. you still aren't particularly fond of taking long naps. sigh ;)
-you have started pulling your paci out and attempting to put it back in.
-you have mastered rolling both ways this month but will mainly roll from your back to your belly. you LOVE to be on your belly.
-you have the biggest gummy smile. i love it.
-you have started laughing.
-you have the fuzziest darkest (of my babies) hair. it's my favorite right after your bath, it practically sticks straight up and is adorable.
-you are such a chubby bunny but don't really weight that much more than your brother.
-you can be quite needy.
-you also can be quite the momma's girl. sometimes you just scream and scream if it isn't me that is holding you.
-you love your big brother and your big sister.
-you are quite the talker
-your daddy tells me you are going to make your big sister look like an angel when you are 2..oh boy.
This is the best one of both of them. They were both done smiling and the ones with Brecken looking straight on aren't very cute ;)