Friday, March 4, 2011

You know you have more than 1 baby when...

::there have been grapes on the floor for 4 days.
::you are thoroughly surprised the grapes haven't been picked up by your oldest daughter or your dog.  Because that's how floors get cleaned now-a-days.  Your daughter eats off it or your dog does.  Either way.
::the oldest dumps out the Fruit Loop dust and plays in it.
::she also plays with the Sharpies.  You have horrible visions of Sharpie drawings on the carpet/couch and just don't care because your arms are occupied with 2 babies.
::you smell like baby vomit (even though you have miraculously showered that day) but are so used to it you don't notice until your husband comes home and comments on the aroma that is currently in the air.
::your dog has to take drastic measures to get food or water.
::your oldest can currently operate the x-box when 3 months ago she didn't even know what the tv was.
::you wish it was spring-time just so you can get out of the loony bin house.
::sometimes when a certain someone is having a temper tantrum, instead of doing something about it, you close your eyes and pretend they aren't there.
::you should be showering/cleaning/playing with the oldest/getting the dog in out of the rain/doing laundry/fixing the cupboard doors when they have come un-rubber-banded/responding to your phone that has rang/beeped countless times but instead you are sitting on your blog.  Pretending people aren't currently organizing the spices dumping out the spices.

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