Thursday, March 17, 2011


Last night Eric and I were putting the sheets on the bed while the babies were sleeping so we were trying..key word: be quiet.  Lakota rested her head on our bed, like she does when she asks to lay on the bed.
Eric said, "Kota only wants to come on the bed when the sheets are clean." 
I said, "That's cause they are Bounty fresh." 
Eric said, "What did you say?"
I said, "Bounty fresh."
He goes, "Don't you mean Downy fresh?"
I said, "No. BOUNTY fresh. That's the kind of dryer sheets they are."
Eric said, "That's Bounce, not Bounty."
Me, "Oops."
Eric said, "Ooohhh Bounty fresh.  They must be really absorbent."


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