Monday, March 28, 2011

A's Bathroom Musings

Adelyn requested to use the toilet tonight so we quick ran in there.  She turned the light and fan on, like always.  While she was standing in front of the toilet she said "I want book."  I handed her the Shape magazine and she said "No, baby" meaning my Parenting magazine.  She is hilarious..and did go potty on the toilet.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Some days...

...I feel like a cow.  Most days I feel so thankful that my little boobies can produce so much milk and feed two babies.  
 Either way.  :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Brecken and Joelle-3 Months

When I typed the title for this post I put 2 months.  I wish.  My little babies are growing way to fast.  Everybody told me the time would go way to fast, with twins.  I don't feel like it has gone any faster than it did with Adelyn but it still goes by to fast.  I really cherish the little baby stage and I feel like they are just flying through it.  Your daddy compared you two to a dog and a cat.  Brecken, you will just smile at everybody all the time like you are trying to please them and Joelle, you will smile and coo incessantly..but only when you want to.  You only look at people when you want to and your best friend is the thermostat.  Every time we change your diaper you just smile at the thermostat and talk away to it.  I tell your daddy that's where your guardian angel sits.

-you weigh 12.6 lbs.  On the home scale.
-you are in your 3month clothes and I got your 3-6month stuff out but they are still pretty big.
-you wear a size 1 diaper during the day and a 2 at night
-you sleep from 7:30/8-5:30.  I feed you for 5-7 minutes and then you sleep until 7:30
-you LOVE to smile and will smile at everyone.
-have started sitting in your bumbo but are still a little floppy.
-take 3 good naps a day and 1 cat-nap between 4 and 7.
-will watch Adelyn or Joelle and just smile away at them.
-still refuse a bottle.  I tried again this morning and you didn't get angry or cry but you just kinda chewed on the nipple.  I'll have to get your daddy to try.
-love, love, love to nurse.  You would be on the boob all day if I let you.  I let you for as long as you want before bed and your dad gets so mad..because all you do is spit-up after wards.  I say oh well it makes you happy.
-currently have a stuffy nose and no other symptoms. For 6 days now.  Weird.  I have a feeling you are going to be competing with Adelyn for most sicknesses in the first year.
-you are drooling like crazy.  I wonder if you are getting your teeth but I think it's way to early..we'll see!
-are still a spitter.  It makes you spit even more if I eat chocolate..
-when you sleep you literally look like you are dead.  I can see you breathing only if I lean in your bed really close and really pay attention.  I usually just poke you to make you move ;)
-I took you on your first walk and you loved it.  You slept for half the way and were totally awake and happy the other half.

 Adelyn at 3 months:

-you weigh almost 13lbs..12.9 to be precise.  On the home scale.
-you are in your 3month clothes.  Some of them are to small.  I got your 3-6month stuff out and it fits perfectly.
-you wear a size 1 diaper during the day and a 2 at night.
-you sleep from 7:30-8 until 4:30 and then nurse for 5-10 minutes and sleep until 7:30.
-you are the happiest baby when you sleep so much..I just wish your naps where a little better because then you would be even happier during the day ;)
-you take 3 naps and 1 cat-nap between 4 and 7.  Sometimes I have to fight you for a nap.  You would much rather be held to sleep :)
-I put you in your bumbo for the first time the other day and you did great!  You love to sit in it and look around.  You take everything in.  So strong and so observant!
-Daddy says you are going to be our smartest one because you love to watch everyone and everything.
-I took you on your first walk the other day and you loved it.  You slept the whole time! ...and slept the whole time for subsequent walks.
-you have gotten much better about eating and going to sleep at night.  We rarely have a temper tantrum from you anymore and you are usually shortly behind B for falling asleep.
-you are quite the chunky monkey and I love it.  You are so squishy :)
-you love to arch your back and are pretty close to rolling over from your back to your belly because of it.  
-you still hate being flat on your back.  When I put you on your belly you just love to lay there and suck your fist.
-you are going to be a talker.  You love to coo and when you do, you do for a llloonnggg time.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Last night Eric and I were putting the sheets on the bed while the babies were sleeping so we were trying..key word: be quiet.  Lakota rested her head on our bed, like she does when she asks to lay on the bed.
Eric said, "Kota only wants to come on the bed when the sheets are clean." 
I said, "That's cause they are Bounty fresh." 
Eric said, "What did you say?"
I said, "Bounty fresh."
He goes, "Don't you mean Downy fresh?"
I said, "No. BOUNTY fresh. That's the kind of dryer sheets they are."
Eric said, "That's Bounce, not Bounty."
Me, "Oops."
Eric said, "Ooohhh Bounty fresh.  They must be really absorbent."


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Almost..Wordless Wednesday

The babies had their first walk today!  So nice to be outside..I can't wait until we can be outside EVERYDAY!

Friday, March 4, 2011

You know you have more than 1 baby when...

::there have been grapes on the floor for 4 days.
::you are thoroughly surprised the grapes haven't been picked up by your oldest daughter or your dog.  Because that's how floors get cleaned now-a-days.  Your daughter eats off it or your dog does.  Either way.
::the oldest dumps out the Fruit Loop dust and plays in it.
::she also plays with the Sharpies.  You have horrible visions of Sharpie drawings on the carpet/couch and just don't care because your arms are occupied with 2 babies.
::you smell like baby vomit (even though you have miraculously showered that day) but are so used to it you don't notice until your husband comes home and comments on the aroma that is currently in the air.
::your dog has to take drastic measures to get food or water.
::your oldest can currently operate the x-box when 3 months ago she didn't even know what the tv was.
::you wish it was spring-time just so you can get out of the loony bin house.
::sometimes when a certain someone is having a temper tantrum, instead of doing something about it, you close your eyes and pretend they aren't there.
::you should be showering/cleaning/playing with the oldest/getting the dog in out of the rain/doing laundry/fixing the cupboard doors when they have come un-rubber-banded/responding to your phone that has rang/beeped countless times but instead you are sitting on your blog.  Pretending people aren't currently organizing the spices dumping out the spices.