Monday, August 17, 2009

Adventures Of A Cow

Who is a cow you ask? Why me, I am a cow. Didn't you know? I am probably between 1/4 and 1/2 cow. Let me tell you why.
-I am white with brown/black spots (moles), like MOST cows
-I have 2 of the 4 udders that cows have. Do they have udders or is that just the name of the whole thing that hangs down there?? Or are they nipples?? Hmm...I'll have to ask a farmer. Maybe next time I go to the Critter Barn they can tell me.
-I have hair
-I can say Moo...although I have found that when you do that in public people look at you weird. So, needless to say, I try to refrain from doing that
-Sometimes I think I live in a barn. Shoot, sometimes it even smells like I live in a barn
-I produce milk
-I get milked 5 times a day. 4 from Adelyn and once, on one side, from Mr. Milker
That's about where the similarities end. There could be 1 or 2 more but we'll leave those out.

Why this post you ask??


In the morning Adelyn only nurses on one side so naturally I pump the other. I get 6-8 ounces every morning. Since I am quite anti-bottle Adelyn doesn't use much of my stock pile. I came to the realization that I will definitely not be using all of it. So when I noticed a post one day, on one of the other blogs I read, that you can donate to the Milk Bank (kinda weird, mostly cool) I started looking into it. I found out that there is a Milk Bank in Kalamazoo and I looked at their website. I was reading along and discovered that they were non-profit (I wasn't going to give my liquid gold to them so they could sell it to the highest bidder), they used the milk for babies in the NICU and for mothers who don't produce enough. I thought it all sounded good and then I read that they need a commitment of 100 ounces. I kinda gulped at does sound like a lot. So I went outside to our freezer and started counting (for the record: all the bags out there are 8 ounce bags, so I figured I needed about 13 to make 100 ounces). 1,2...13,14...20,21...and that was just the first row of the ones I could see. Ok so I definitely have more than enough to spare for the milk bank. I called them up, did a little phone interview and they sent me my stuff.
Now fast forward to today.
I went to the hospital to get my blood drawn. For some funny reason they have to make sure I am not chock full of HIV and Syphilis. Then I had to take my blood, in tubes of course, in a box to get mailed to them. I thought that the UPS store on Waverly and Chicago Drive was still open. I was wrong. I then had to drive all the way over to Butternut and James. With a baby who needed a nap. I didn't want to miss this baby's nap, in her own bed. So I wasn't to thrilled to have to gallivant over to the North side.

That is the adventures of a Cow.

The inside freezer. This is about 100 ounces so now just imagine how much is really in the outside freezer.

The outside freezer. Like I said, I am part cow.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Two things:
1. I was re-reading the blog-aren't you supposed to do that before you publish? oh well.-and I noticed that your head circumference is in inches(which is what the doctor wrote down on my paper). And that it is almost (ok 8 inches shy) of being as long, if we were to lay it out-which we won't, as your body. Is that right?! I think maybe its supposed to be in centimeters but maybe that's just me not knowing. Hmm..
2. I published you in the blueberry patch twice. Oh well. I like the one from today better, the comment is more entertaining.

FYI: I didn't intentionally scratch your leg (not that anyone would be thinking that) and you didn't even notice. I noticed when we got home.

6 Month Dr. Visit

You just had your 6th month visit and your current stats are:

weight: 18lbs 5oz, almost 90th percentile
height: 26 3/4in, 75th percentile
head circumference: 17.95in, OFF THE CHARTS

You had a large noggin in-utero as well, so that's nothing new :) Dr. Lund says that you are getting your bottom two teeth-your gums are "thinning out." Whatever that means. But it would most definitely explain your crabbiness for the past couple days. She also said we could begin YoBaby and we have! Your current foods that you eat are:
-all the baby cereals, rice, oat and barley
-sweet potatoes
-acorn squash
-Gerber puffs
That's in order of appearance and you love every single one of them! :)
You are loving that you can sit now and every day it gets a little longer (you don't really love the falling over part of sitting...but who would). We had your 6th month pics taken and I can not wait until we get them...they will be sooooo cute! We are going camping again next week so hopefully you do as well as you did on our last camping trip. We enrolled you in swimming lessons and those begin in September. Mommy is very excited about them and you are sure to love them!!!
Daddy's job is very frustrating right now for everyone (except you:) ). He had gone 8 months of not working 40 hours. This week is the first week he has worked 40 hours since you have been born, due only to inventory, because the Walkers want EVERYTHING counted. We are hoping to know tomorrow if he has a job and how much he will be getting paid. We were supposed to know yesterday but here's to hoping for tomorrow! We were also supposed to know July 3rd...I think I'll leave it at that.
BUT if there is one thing that God has taught us during this 8 month trial (which is hopefully ending) it is how to live frugally and not spend so much money. Go us.

We took you blueberry picking on one of Daddy's voluntary mandatory days off. I may or may not have scratched your leg on a blueberry bush.

Family Photo-You are pulling one of your many faces :)

Last but not least I didn't post any of the pictures that we got taken in June. They are of our baby and 2 friends babies. Adelyn was 5 months, Will 11 months and Chloe was 8 months.

Did I mention I LOVE Will's faces! He has the greatest expressions! I hope A is as expressive as he is!

The two cutest girls ever! =)

Mm hmm. Couldn't you just eat them up!?
They are so precious.

Monday, August 3, 2009

6 Months old!!!

Adelyn you have now celebrated your half birthday and you are getting so big :) You grow like a little weed and you do new things every day.

Some of your latest tricks:
-you can sit up by yourself-you have been for about 3 weeks now
-you just started saying understandable things. you'll say da da da but you still don't know who that is for :)
-you nurse at 7, 11, 3 and 7
-you eat solids at 8 and 4:30. you LOVE food
-you nap at 9:15 and 1:15. sometimes you still have to take a 15 minute catnap at 4:15.
-you sleep from 7 to 7
-you have mastered putting yourself to sleep. i now nurse you downstairs, bring you upstairs, read a book, sing jesus loves me and by the end of those two things you are itching for your bed. i lay you in your bed and you immediately roll onto your side or completely over onto your belly.
-you now do laps around your crib and sometimes you talk yourself to sleep
-you like to rock back and forth in your high chair because it rolls on the floor when you do that
-you got over your second cold about 2 weeks ago
-you have officially been camping. in a tent. we will be going again in 2 weeks to silver lake :)
-you are still, and getting worse, completely 100% a mama's girl
-you hate bottles. if you had your way im sure you would be on the boob forever. ok maybe not forever but for a LONG time. lucky for us my cutoff is a year
-you have one more new GIRL friend. Kaylee Grace Lampen graced us with her presence July 28. She weighted 7lbs 11ozs and was 20 inches long. sound familiar?? well thats because you were the same!
-you love Lakota. you could just laugh and laugh at her
-you weigh approximately 18lbs
-i have just started using some of your 9 month clothes
-you were a size 3 diaper
-you have graduated to the 6 month and up paci
-you are starting to reach for me

You made Daddy pancakes for Fathers day :)

Your new friend, Baby Kaylee. She has crazy tons of hair!

Your adventures in the blueberry patch