Thursday, January 22, 2009

38 weeks 6 days

The countdown is on!!! In days...somewhat scary but also very exciting :) We had our doctors appointment on Monday and Dr. Taylor had some very good news for us...She is now facing the correct way, yay!!, her heartbeat is slowing and she is dropping. She measured at 35 weeks again this week so I am holding on to hope that she is more of an average size baby instead of the 9 pounder Dr. Taylor predicts! I also asked him when I should be arriving to the hospital to receive the meds for Strep B. My main concern was that I had wanted to labor at home as long as possible and with the medicine I needed I wasn't sure if I could do that anymore. When I expressed this concern he told me not to worry about it, if I ended up not making it in time to receive the meds it wouldn't be a big deal. He said that they treat Strep B for pediatricians and not for anyone else. He said that for every 1200 women they treat with Strep B they are preventing 1 case in a baby. So that was also exciting that I can still try to labor for a while at home!

In other Fitzgerald happenings my job is going very well and I am excited to be able to bring her with me and that I only have to work 3 mornings a week! I am really looking forward to being able to bring in a little extra money but at the same time not having to stick our baby in daycare. Eric's job is going ok...He was told the month of January is basically going to be a day to day basis. Last week he was "unemployed." He managed to strike a deal with the company in that if he worked last week "for free" they would give him the week off that we have the baby WITH pay. So the fact that he won't be receiving a paycheck for last weeks work stinks but the fact that he got a free week of vacation is awesome!! He also was told on Monday he would only get 3 days this week, on Tuesday he was told to plan on 4 and on Wednesday he was told to just plan on being there for the whole like I said it's a day by day thing and we are just very thankful he has a job still and it's one he likes!
38 weeks 6 days

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