Friday, August 12, 2016

Our Weekend

Friday we had some friends over for the day!  Their mom had baby number 5.  We were on back up duty for when she actually went into labor and Grandma was home when it happened so we didn't get the kids.  Well.  The kids thought they should get a day over so we made it happen.

Crafting with 6 kids.

Lunch with 7.
 We had a ton of fun and kept busy.  I even managed to get some things done and no one killed each other.  Winning.

Saturday morning was the first day of u-pick for Red Havens.  Auntie wanted to can peaches this year.  We all carted off to the peach orchard.  It had poured the night before and morning of.  Adelyn was the only one who thought to suggest rain boots.  She was right.  We were all glad we had them.  

Ohhhh they tasted so good.

The kids, Auntie and all our loot.

My littlest monkey.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Adelyn::7.5 years old

Since I am a blogger slacker and didn't do posts for Adelyn, Brecken and Joelle on their birthday's...I am doing them on their half birthday's.

Oh this girl.  I can't believe she is going to be in 2nd grade.  I was remarking on this to Eric and he said he keeps trying to sign her in, in Kindergarten, at church.  HA.  She is such a sweet girl. 90% of the time.  The other 10%?  Watch out.  She has too much of her momma in her.  Kinda scares me.  And kinda makes me feel bad for my parents.

- 54lbs, 60th percentile for weight
-50.5in, 95th percentile for weight.  Still our tall, tall girl. (these are both from her 7 year visit)
-she wears a medium or size 8.
-size 2 shoe
-her hair is almost down to her butt
-loves anything artsy.  She is constantly drawing pictures.
-adores Lego's.  She has to read for 20 minutes a day for school.  I give her 2 "optional 20 minute reading" assignments in her book and when she x's off 10 of those, I give her $5.  Yes, I am bribing my child.  My mother would (literally) be proud.  She's saving for Lego's.
-she is so particular.  SO PARTICULAR.  Everything has to be just so.
-she adores collecting rocks.  She always has a pile for me to "put on my windowsill in the kitchen."
-she is constantly hungry.  CONSTANTLY.
-she says the funniest things.  She always has and, apparently, always will.
-she still hates new things.  She doesn't like change.
-she can be super sensitive.  She cries when Lincoln gets shots.
-she loves cooking and baking.  It is actually becoming fun with her in the kitchen and not such a chore.
-she does NOT like "wiggly clothes"
-she is such a lover.  She's always helping the kids out.
-she is such a helper to me.  It's amazing.
-she has grown so much in her reading.  I am proud.
-she is so kind to her friends
-she loves food
-she is super opinionated
-she loves TV

What's your name:: Adelyn
How old are you:: 7...and a half
What's your favorite color:: purple and pink
What is your favorite animal:: zebras and butterflies
What do you want to do when you grow up:: be a momma and bake cupcakes at home and be a librarian
What is your favorite movie:: Home
What is your favorite book:: Magic Tree House
What makes you happy:: Going to the zoo
What makes you sad:: When you yell at me  ...Apparently this is a recurring theme.
What is your favorite food:: Spaghetti and Meatballs and Pizza
What food is gross:: Potato Soup
What is your favorite song:: Jesus Loves Me
What games do you like to play:: Beat the Parents
What's your favorite subject in school:: Explode the Code and Spelling