Every week, once a week, we have been letting one kid stay up late with us and sleep in our bed. They have been loving it. Side note::many people have not recognized me because I haven't had my hair dark in so long. It is still me. HA.

A lady at Eric's work buys the kids a present every year. This year she got Perler beads. Oh my word. The kids are in love. We have lots of Perler beads creations.
Lincoln's first time he's been allowed to color. Yes, you read that correctly.
We have a new Cubbies leader! Deal.
This boy....
We took him outside for the first time.
It was LOTS of fun.

We had conferences for HC2. Mary took all of my kids so Eric and I could go and when I picked up my kids, I took Josiah back with us so Mary and JanHarm could go together. The boys built a large track in the basement.
Cuties having fun outside

I am a Children's Museum hater. Every time we go there we got some obscure disgusting sickness. AND it costs me $8 a person to go. Including Lincoln. So $40. Roar. A friend enticed me with free tickets. So we went. And we didn't get diseased. It still didn't happen again. ;)
January date night! Pop Scholars and Brick Road.
A good buddy and Brecken had quite the collision during Sunday School. His friends glasses hit him right on his eye socket. It was black and blue for two weeks.
Lego class at the library! This was a lot of fun and a nice way to break up the winter.

Still has a black eye...
She wanted to work on some different books for school...
Sleeping Lincoln. #SorryNotSorry
Crazy Hair Day at school. Not very crazy but I pulled up a few different pictures on the internet and this is what she picked.
Lincoln's pus sockets before his molars came through. So flipping gross.
Again. #SorryNotSorry
Pus socket number two.
Two cuties working on the fun little puzzle houses Nana got Joelle for Christmas
Brecken was inspecting what was in the leftovers box. The glasses are awesome.
This is homeschool.
Pea smiley faces.

L-diddy stuck in the blanket.
Wrestling twinkies.
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