Sunday, January 31, 2016

January Phone Dump

Every week, once a week, we have been letting one kid stay up late with us and sleep in our bed.  They have been loving it.  Side note::many people have not recognized me because I haven't had my hair dark in so long.  It is still me.  HA.

A lady at Eric's work buys the kids a present every year.  This year she got Perler beads.  Oh my word.  The kids are in love.  We have lots of Perler beads creations.

Lincoln's first time he's been allowed to color.  Yes, you read that correctly.

We have a new Cubbies leader!  Deal.

This boy....

We took him outside for the first time.

It was LOTS of fun.

We had conferences for HC2.  Mary took all of my kids so Eric and I could go and when I picked up my kids, I took Josiah back with us so Mary and JanHarm could go together.  The boys built a large track in the basement.

Cuties having fun outside

I am a Children's Museum hater.  Every time we go there we got some obscure disgusting sickness.  AND it costs me $8 a person to go.  Including Lincoln. So $40.  Roar.  A friend enticed me with free tickets.  So we went.  And we didn't get diseased.  It still didn't happen again.  ;) 

January date night!  Pop Scholars and Brick Road.

A good buddy and Brecken had quite the collision during Sunday School.  His friends glasses hit him right on his eye socket.  It was black and blue for two weeks.

Lego class at the library!  This was a lot of fun and a nice way to break up the winter.

Still has a black eye...

She wanted to work on some different books for school...

Sleeping Lincoln.  #SorryNotSorry

Crazy Hair Day at school.  Not very crazy but I pulled up a few different pictures on the internet and this is what she picked.

Lincoln's pus sockets before his molars came through.  So flipping gross.

Again.  #SorryNotSorry

Pus socket number two.

Two cuties working on the fun little puzzle houses Nana got Joelle for Christmas

Brecken was inspecting what was in the leftovers box.  The glasses are awesome.

This is homeschool.

Pea smiley faces.

L-diddy stuck in the blanket.

Wrestling twinkies.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

We Went Sledding Today

Alternately titled::I hate school drop offs.  No matter how early I get up, we are always running behind.  The Fitzgerald's are not morning people.  Reason 7,493 we homeschool.  Don't get me wrong.  Most of us are up early.  Doesn't mean we are morning people.  Adelyn is an "early" riser.  She wakes up between 6:30 and 7:30.  She'll come downstairs and if it's before 7, she knows she has to go back upstairs and back to bed.  Brecken will wake sometime between 7 and 8.  Joelle will wake sometime between 8 and 9.  Lincoln will wake sometime between 6 and 8.  Depending on if he's teething or not.  The twinkies do NOT move fast in the morning.  I repeat::do not.  Adelyn will if she's highly motivated.  I was up at 6:30 this morning.  I got a few small things done but then Adelyn was up at 7 and it was crazy hair day.  So I spent 20 minutes doing her hair into cute little cupcakes.  Then I spent the remaining time making sure my teeth were brushed, my children were dressed, no one had poop in their diaper and making breakfast.  The child that was first to barrel out the front door was still standing there {NEXT to the truck, not IN the truck with their buckles on like they were supposed to be} 8 minutes later, when I come out all ready to go, saying "It's freeeeeeeeezing, it's freeeeeeezing."  And this is why we are late.

This is how I ate breakfast.  In the truck.  Out of the pan.  And, yes, that's one of Lincoln's many socks laying by the pan.  He hates them and throws them everywhere.

This is how Lincoln drove to school.  It's 15 degrees outside.  He does have a one piece outfit on but I just didn't get around to finishing buttoning it.

And this is what Joelle's hair looks like.  I do not know what that girl does in her sleep.  Side note::I cut her hair yesterday and I can finally say it's getting cute.  We just need the bangs to grow out and the back to grow out.  But at least it looks like a real hair cut now.  {We were in the parking lot at Starbucks.  We had to go in to use the toilet.  I may or may not have gotten a drink.  So don't judge the belts.}

My poor twinkies don't get many "special privileges."  I should use Wednesday's as time with just them but most Wednesday's I'm running around doing things for Awana.  Because I'm a procrastinator and don't do it at night, during the week.  These past couple Wednesday's I've been very intentional on focusing more on them.  It's been wonderful.  For the most part.  ;)  I wanted to take them sledding and VanRaalte's not my favorite for a plethora of reasons.  The hill is steep.  It's super slippery.  And it's a long hike to get to the sledding hill.  I tried to go to Helder Park but they haven't even plowed it and it's locked up.  So we went to VanRaalte.  They were so super excited.  Lincoln adooooooores being outside.  He is surprisingly loving winter.  I've taken him out quite a few times and he just crawls around and the kids haul him around in the sled.  
I took this right before we went down.

The view from the hill

The teeny black spot out by the trees is Joelle and Brecken is headed down the hill.

Two teeny black spots.

Lincoln started scooting down by crawling.  I took him down a couple times in the sled.  The first time we had a whoops.  We both kinda fell out and I may or may not have rolled over him with my legs.  He got a face full of snow and was not pleased.  He got over that and we went down a couple more times.

The kids decided sledding and walking up that huge slippery hill was a lot of work and wanted to go on the trails.  Aren't they cute?!

Ahh!  I love them!!  Missing one person and this would be complete.

Michigan winters.  Lots of white now.  Squinting eyes.

Kinda better.  Only B isn't looking.  And I'm working on emphasizing my wrinkles.

We had so much fun sledding.  We started hiking/sledding back.  One of my children was *seriously* dawdling so I told the other to pick which way we were going, at a fork in the trail.  The dawdler wanted to go straight, the one moving picked left.  We headed left.  There were some ladies snowshoeing ahead of us.  The dawdler decided to scream at me "You like *** better than me!"  Why thank you.   Yes, at this moment, I do.  But I still love them allll the same.  I'm sure the snowshoeing ladies got a good laugh.  The same person sassed me the whole way back.  The same person also lost their snacks and ended up with a 30 minute time out before lunch.  I really wish they would stop once I started punishing.  But they don't.  Someday they will learn, right?!  In the meantime my just turned 5-year-olds know how to count by 5's really well.