We put our Christmas tree up Thanksgiving weekend. The kids have been so excited to help. They even got into fluffing the branches. Our Christmas tree needs each and every.single.branch fluffed out and put on. Not exactly it's best quality but it is a pretty nice looking (fake) tree once it's together. We had Christmas jammies in their stockings for when they pulled those out. I gave them jammies at Christmas, last year, and felt that was silly because then it wasn't Christmas anymore. So we decided to start doing it at Thanksgiving. Then they could wear them the whole Christmas season.
Confession::I have not done the laundry since BEFORE Thanksgiving (writing this on December 19, just post-dated it). So go ahead and ask if they have worn their Christmas jammies SINCE the first couple days after this. NOPE. Eric and I both HATE laundry. We have lots of underwear at the Fitzgerald's. And you get two uses if you turn them inside out. KIDDING.
Cute little twinkies putting on their first ornaments. Don't you love Joelle's cheeser face?!
Pretty girl hanging her first ornament for the year
Show me your crazy face..
Why, oh why, do the crazy face pictures always have to turn out "better" than the normal ones?! Ha.
Our pretty tree is all up. The ornaments get moved all the time. Sir Brecken takes care of that. I've stopped asking him to not touch them. They aren't breakable. Now his only requirement is to put them back on. He always wants them at the top too. So he pushes the ottoman over, climbs up and puts them "up high." So there's a big cluster at the top and on the left side. Everything else is pretty sparse. Who cares anyways?! Not me.